Omni-Channel in Digital Journalism: Sharing Session and Campus Hiring with Narasi TV

Yogyakarta, 2 October 2018 – Narasi TV, as a newcomer in the world of digital journalism, is increasingly being visited and talked about by netizens. However, what differentiates channels such as Narasi TV with other digital information sites or conventional TV channels all along? This particular question was discussed in ‘Sharing Session & Campus Hiring Narasi TV’ on the 2nd of October 2018, which was held under a cooperation between Fisipol UGM and Narasi TV. The event, which took place in the Eastern Seminar Room of Fisipol UGM, was started with a presentation of the materials by the four speakers, which were Dahlia Citra Buana as the Chief Creative Officer of Narasi TV, Pandu Dirgantara as the Head of Production Services Narasi TV, Zidny Kadir as the Head of Research & Development Narasi TV and Lisa Lindawati S.IP., M.A. as Lecturer at the Department of Communications Fisipol UGM.

“Narasi TV is an omni-channel. It means, Narasi TV is not limited to only one platform, but also in various other platforms, although the main platform remains in,” as she stated. While showing several clips that were already published in Narasi TV Chanel, Dahlia also mentioned several programs, such as Catatan Najwa, Shihab & Shihab, Buka Mata, Narasi People, Kejar Tayang, Tompi & Glenn, Duo Budjang, Buka Buku, Teppy O Meter, Mau Tau and other programs in that channel.

Approximately 100 walk-in interview participants participated the interview selection process after the sharing session was ended. This event received enthusiastic responses from fresh graduates in Yogyakarta. As a digital media that requires high creativity in the production process, Narasi TV prioritizes fresh graduates, as they are considered to be more capable in terms of providing new ideas. “We have met interns that provided ‘sadistic’ ideas. They have brilliant ideas; and that is why we are having our first Campus Hiring, and it is being held in Fisipol UGM,” as stated by Laode Dahlan after the event.


Translated by : Ariq Dmitri Andrei