

Post-Colonial Citizenship in Indonesia: A Discussion On The Study Of Citizenship and Local Democracy

Yogyakarta, August 16th 2023─The Research Center of Politics and Government (PolGov) of the Department of Politics and Government held a book review at Fisipol’s Big Data Lab on Wednesday (16/08/2023). This activity discussed the book by Prof. Gerry van Klinken entitled “Postcolonial Citizenship in Indonesia”. This discussion took place mixed by presenting Prof. Gerry van Klinken as the author of the book; lecturer at the Department of Politics and Government (DPP); PolGov Researcher; as well as participants open to the public. Amalinda Savirani as a DPP Lecturer also had the opportunity to provide a discussion related to the topic of the book. Guided by the moderator, Mahesti Hasanah, the discussion on this book review focuses on discussing local democracy and citizenship studies. read more

Talkshow on Women and Politics: Women’s Involvement in Politics and Voter Awareness Still Needs to be Encouraged

Yogyakarta, August 10th 2023─Ahead of the implementation of the political year, the nomination of candidates has also been carried out. The encouragement of women’s involvement in politics is also increasingly supported by the passing of the Law on Political Parties which requires every political party to include 30% representation of women. The Faculty of Social and Political Sciences UGM again held a discussion entitled “Women and Politics Talkshow: Traces, Roles, and Strategies” to discuss gender equality in political participation on Thursday (10/8). read more

The Dean of FISIPOL UGM Talks About the Role of University in Building Election Neutrality

Yogyakarta, July 27th 2023─Entering the 2024 Election, the State Civil Apparatus Commission (KASN) held an online webinar with the theme “Preventing the Politicization of Schools and Universities in the 2024 Elections” on Thursday (2/27). The webinar is a mitigation effort to increase the vulnerability of the state civil apparatus’ (ASN) neutrality violations in the midst of elections.

A comprehensive discussion on the potential for political vulnerability within school and tertiary education staff was carried out in a comprehensive manner by presenting Prof. Dr. Agus Pramusinto (Chairman of KASN), Subiyantoro, S.H., M.Sc (Inspector IV of the Inspector General of the Ministry of Education and Culture), Wawan Mas’udi, MPA, Ph.D. (Dean of FISIPOL UGM), and Khoirunnisa Agustyani, M.IP (Executive Director of Perludem). read more

Election Corner of FISIPOL UGM Presents AHY in a Discussion on Democracy in Indonesia

Yogyakarta, July 20th 2023─The Election Corner of the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences of Universitas Gadjah Mada (EC FISIPOL UGM) was held by FISIPOL Leadership Forum (FLF) entitled “Can We Save Democracy in Indonesia?”. On this occasion, the speaker is a politician and general chairman of the Democratic Party, Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono, or often called AHY.

The event was opened by the Dean of FISIPOL UGM Wawan Mas’udi who said that the Fisipol Leadership Forum (FLF) is a forum to present figures who have ideas and strong leadership. read more

Center for Digital Society of UGM Collaborates with OJK and ALAMI Sharia to Hold the 57th digiTALK to Educate Hundreds of Students about Fintech

Yogyakarta, July 13th 2023─The Center for Digital Society (CfDS) of FISIPOL UGM, in collaboration with the Financial Services Authority (OJK) and Fintech ALAMI Sharia (ALAMI), held the 57th Digitalk with the theme “Smart Investment Strategy: Understanding Business Risks and Opportunities in Peer-to-Peer Lending in Indonesia” at the Auditorium of FISIPOL UGM on Thursday (13/7).

The public discussion hosted by Treviliana Eka Putri (Executive Secretary of the Center for Digital Society UGM) comprehensively discussed the development of Fintech, especially peer-to-peer lending which is increasingly in demand by the public and the urgency of the education process for the community so that it can avoid the risks. The speakers presented were stakeholders and experts representing regulators, academics, and players in the financial services industry. read more

PolGov FISIPOL UGM Holds Academic Roundtable Discussion (ARD) Discussing the Phenomenon of President-based Partisanship

Yogyakarta, July 11th 2023The Research Center for Politics and Government (PolGov) of the Department of Politics and Government held an Academic Roundtable Discussion (ARD) with the theme “All the President’s People? The Origins of Presidential-based Partisanship” on Tuesday (11/7). This event was carried out by involving general participants, lecturers from the Department of Politics and Government, and PolGov Researchers. Meanwhile, ARD is a routine agenda carried out by PolGov and is open to the public. read more

The Communication Competition for High School Students, “Laksamana UGM”, is Being Held by the Department of Communication Studies of UGM

Yogyakarta, July 7th 2023─Laksamana UGM, which is a competition in the field of Communication Studies at the Indonesian high school level which was organized by the students of the Department of Communication Studies of UGM, is being held again this year. Ahead of its implementation, the Department of Communication Studies of UGM is holding a pre-event in the form of an online seminar entitled Commsultation: Unveiling The World of Communication Studies on Friday (7/7) online. The Commsultation itself was divided into two sessions, namely a big session with the main speaker and a breakout room session with speakers from the student representatives of the Department of Communication Studies of UGM. read more

Yenny Wahid Attends Future Leader Forum: “What Kind of Society Do You Want to Build?”

Yogyakarta, July 7th 2023─Election Corner (EC) Fisipol UGM held a public dialogue entitled Future Leader Forum with the title “Woman Political Leadership: To Unite What Male Politicians Have Divided”. The forum was held on Friday (07/7) in the Mandiri Auditorium Room on the 4th Floor of FISIPOL UGM, presented speaker Yenny Wahid with two speakers from the lecturers of the Department of Sociology, Deshinta Dwi Asriani, and Head of Student Council of FISIPOL UGM, Maskana Putri Salwa. The discussion was moderated by PARES Manager, Obed Kresna. read more

Australian and Indonesian Experts Agree that Inclusivity in Indonesia Needs to be Improved

Yogyakarta, July 6th 2023─As technology develops, development is no longer aimed at equity, but has prioritized aspects of inclusivity in society. Basic human rights are interpreted as rights that every individual has from birth, without exception. Various access to information, facilities, even regulations are still not inclusive for all levels of society, especially vulnerable groups such as persons with disabilities. Australia-Indonesia in Conversation: Valuing Democracy and Diversity: Equity, Leadership, and Social Justice raised this issue under the theme “Policies and Practices to Promote Equity, Social Justice, and Rights Recognition” on Thursday (6/7). read more

The Importance of Socio-cultural Activism and Arts to Promote Change

Yogyakarta, July 6th 2023Socio-cultural and artistic activism in voicing minority issues to environmental protection continues to increase efforts through collaboration between sectors and the use of various platforms. Highlighting this issue, the fifth panel of the series of activities Australia-Indonesia in Conversation: Valuing Democracy and Diversity: Equity, Leadership and Social Justice discussed the issue of “Socio-cultural Activism and Arts for Change” on Thursday (06/7) in the BE 210 room FISIPOL and on Zoom Meeting. read more