

Broadcasting Bill Controversy Threatens Local Broadcasters and Content Creators, DISKOMA Holds Discussion from Communication Perspective

Yogyakarta, June 14th 2024─The revision of the Broadcasting Law of 2024 has sparked controversy as it threatens press freedom and artists’ creativity. The Broadcasting Bill of 2024 draft itself is a revision of the Broadcasting Law Number 32 of 2002. Responding to communication issues related to journalism, Master of Communication UGM held a Student Communication Discussion (DISKOMA #14) entitled “Threat of Broadcasting Bill to Local Broadcasting and Content Creators” on Friday (14/06).

Technological developments bring changes to new media and open up the technological paradigm significantly, with its latest logic demanding regulations that are adaptive and relevant to the times. Unfortunately, the available regulations have not been able to fully accommodate the changes that have occurred. read more

In Order to Protect Water Sustainability in Gunungkidul, There Needs to Be A Cross-Sector Collaboration in the Middle of Touristification

Yogyakarta, June 14th, 2024–The various discourse of touristification in the Gunungkidul regency needs further collaboration from many stakeholders, such as the government, academics, and the citizen coalition, to maintain water sustainability in the Karst ecosystem. 

The Public Forum Room is an activity initiated by UGM’s Magistrate students of Management and Public Policy as a way to formulate solutions regarding the sustainability of the Karst ecosystem. This is in line with the UN’s Sustainable Development Goal 6, which talks about Clean Water and Sanitation.    read more

Improving the Comfort in Classroom, Fisipol Renews Seats in the College Building

Yogyakarta, June 14th 2024–In an attempt to improve the comfort and quality of learning, UGM’s Faculty of Social and Political Science has just installed new chairs in some of the buildings’ classrooms. There are about 412 new chair units, which replaced the old model of the chair present in the five classes in the BA Fisipol UGM classroom. The five classes are BA 203, BA 205, BA 301, BA 302, BA 303. This change is a gradual one, done by the faculty after the older facilities were getting too uncomfortable for the learning process. read more

Encouraging Collaboration in Handling Mental Health, Master Program of PPM UGM Opens Cross-Actor Discussion Panel

Yogyakarta, 12 June 2024—The PPM Magister Studio held Publicness Forum #2 to increase collaboration in treating mental health. This time’s Publicness Forum took the theme “Collaboration between the Government, NGOs and the Community to Realize Inclusive and Sustainable Mental Health.” This event opened a discussion panel which resource persons from a variety of stakeholders attended, especially the government and NGOs who have important contributions regarding mental health, such as Karel Tuhehay, the Head of the Mental Health and Disability Department of the SATUNAMA Yogyakarta; Prahesworo Anantia Hadinoto from the External Division KPSI Simpul Yogyakarta; Lusina Siwi Lastriningsih, SKM., M. Kes., Functional Young Policy Analyst, Mental Spiritual Development Bureau, Regional Secretariat of DIY; Novita Ira Widari, S. Sos., the Head of the DIY Bina Karya and Laras Social Rehabilitation Center; Endang Pamungkasiwi, SKM., M. Kes., the Head of the Public Health Division of the DIY Health Service; Drs. Suhirman, Deputy Head of the DIY Education, Youth, and Sports Department. read more

Discussing the Social Movement in Kampung Akuarium, PSdK Fisipol UGM Brings Back Guest Lecture

Yogyakarta, June 10th, 2024–To deepen the knowledge of college students about the issue of Social Movement and Development, the Department of Social Development and Welfare has organized a guest lecture with the topic of  “The Sociopolitical Constellation in the Kampung Akuarium Social Movement”. With the case study of Kampung Akuarium, the guest lecture supports the depth of understanding related to Social Development Goals (SDGs), particularly SDG 11 Sustainable Cities and Communities.

The attendance of Ahmad Firas Khudi, an alumnus of Chiang Mai University, provides a clearer picture about the dynamics of the residents in Akuarium post-eviction and its rebuilding read more

Holding a Dean Hearing with the Students, The Faculty Makes Serious Efforts to Increase the Student Facilities and Services

Yogyakarta, 6th of June 2024─In order to maximize students’ interests, talents, and learning quality, the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences of UGM always tries to improve the student facilities through the Dean Hearing. This routine hearing, which directly involves the students, is going to be held again on Thursday afternoon (6/6) at Fisipol’s Selasar Barat.The dialogues between the students and the faculty this time around consisted of four main topics, which includes the provision of matrix funds, access to borrow rooms and its permits, a storage building, and a secretariat room. Wawan Mas’udi, S.IP., M.P.A., Ph.D., directly attends the hearing as the Dean of Fisipol with Dr. Nurhadi Susanto, SH, M.Hum. as Vice Dean of Finance, Asset, and Human Resources Affairs, Ika Wulandari Widyaningrum, M.B.A as Coordinator of Academics and Student Affairs, dan Paminto Adhi, S.E., M.Si. as Head of the Administration Office. read more

Facing a Maritime Threat, Indonesia and Australia Needs to Increase Cooperation

Yogyakarta, June 5th, 2024–Indonesia and Australia have a deep history in their diplomatic ties. To celebrate the diplomatic relationship that is 75 years strong, UGM’s Faculty of Social and Political Science collaborates with the Australian Embassy by organizing the #AussieBanget University Roadshow. The series of activities starts with the discussion panel with the theme “Harbouring Cooperation: Building a Stronger Maritime Future”. The activity was hosted on Monday (5/6) at the Mandiri Auditorium Fisipol UGM. The discussion session was led by Yulida Nuraini Santoso, Managing Director of the ASEAN Studies Center at UGM. read more

Retno Marsudi: Indonesia Stands at the Forefront of Defending Palestine

Yogyakarta, 3 June 2024─It is an unimaginable and unacceptable human tragedy. This sentence was chosen by Retno Marsudi, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia, to describe the atrocities committed by Israel against the Palestinian people. Since October 2023, two million people have been displaced from their homes, and tens of thousands of people, including children, injured and killed. Retno conveyed this in a Public Lecture entitled “Indonesian Diplomacy for Palestine”, held by the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (Fisipol) UGM on Monday (3/6) at the UGM Senate Hall. read more

PSdK FISIPOL UGM and PKBI DIY Discuss the Role of Women in Climate Justice Issues

Yogyakarta, May 30, 2024─Through Social Development Talks (SODET), the Department of Social Development and Welfare (PSdK) Fisipol UGM, together with Perkumpulan Keluarga Berencana Indonesia (PKBI) DIY held a discussion entitled “Yogyakarta Mothers Are Concerned About Garbage?: Highlighting the Role of Women in Climate Justice Issues” on Thursday (30/5). This discussion provides an overview of the crucial role of women in addressing climate justice issues, especially in the context of waste management in Yogyakarta. read more

DIKOM UGM Collaborates with the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy to Map Perceptions of Sustainable Quality Tourism

Yogyakarta, May 30th 2024─Department of Communication Science (DIKOM) of Fisipol UGM collaborated with the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy (Kemenparekraf) of the Republic of Indonesia in organizing a Focus Group Discussion themed Sustainable Quality Tourism. Held on Thursday (30/5) at BRIWork Fisipol UGM, the FGD aims to map the perception of tourism consumers and tourism industry players related to sustainable quality tourism. This is also a response to the rise of trends that prioritize sustainability aspects in the tourism sector and creative economy. Furthermore, the concept of sustainable tourism itself is one of the things that support the 8th Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) on Decent Work and Economic Growth. read more