Yogyakarta, 27th June 2024─The Global Engagement Office (GEO) and the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (FISIPOL), Universitas Gadjah Mada, in collaboration with the Institute of International Studies, Department of International Relations, Universitas Gadjah Mada (IIS UGM), hosted a discussion with the Asia New Zealand Foundation. The discussion was held in the Dean’s courtroom, 2nd floor of the BB building, FISIPOL, and included several series of activities in a hybrid scheme. It aimed to talk about the main theme of Contesting Loss for Indonesia Communities in Climate-Crisis.
Yogyakarta, 27th of June 2024─The Department of Politics and Governance (PolGov) of UGM has worked together with UGM’s Unit of Research, Community Service and Publication (UP3M) in organizing a workshop with the topic of “Anti-Colonial Methodologies in Environmental Studies: An Intersectional Ecofeminist Perspective.” This topic in particular was chosen in order to dive deep into environmental studies by using the combinations of two perspectives, mainly anti-colonial and ecofeminist. This workshop was held offline in the Fisipol Auditorium, 4th floor of the Fisipol UGM building and online through a livestream from the YouTube channel of UGM’s Department of Politics and Governance on Thursday (27/06). The event’s presenters include source person Dr. Elena Burgos Martinez, an Assistant Professor at Leiden University Institute for Arena Studies, and facilitator Hasrul Hanif, as Lecturer from the Department of Politics and Governance.
Yogyakarta, June 25th 2024─The commitment of the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences of Universitas Gadjah Mada (FISIPOL UGM) continues to be proven by various efforts to support the Tridharma of Higher Education. One of them is by establishing partnerships with various world-leading universities, specifically in the aspects of quality education, research, and community service.
Facilitated by the Lembaga Pengelola Dana Pendidikan (LPDP), FISIPOL UGM takes part in the Double Degree/Joint Degree Program for Masters and Doctoral levels, in collaboration with several partner universities. The existence of this program allows students to obtain two academic glasses at once in one period of study. The academic degree is obtained from FISIPOL UGM together with the partner university.
Harlas Buana from the Batam Business Agency (BP Batam) said that the initial cause of the conflict was misinformation. “There is a lot of misinformation as if we are going to carry out a forces takeover, then we improve communication to be more humane, if there is still unrest then that is dynamic,” he said.
On the other hand, WALHI Representative, Even Sembiring, conveyed facts on the ground which showed that there were evictions and repression. He even called the eviction process a systematic crime committed by the state. This is because there has been confiscation of land rights, incomplete outreach, and information, as well as repression both directly by the force of the authorities and indirectly by cutting off various access to community needs.
Yogyakarta, June 19th 2024─In a guest lecture organized by the Master of Sociology Program of UGM, Irsyad Zamjani, Head of the Center for Educational Standards and Policy of the Ministry of Education and Culture, explained several considerations of decentralization of education in Indonesia.
Decentralization, or the transfer of authority in making decisions, is carried out with the aim of distributing power and reducing bureaucratic complexity because it seeks to bring service recipients closer. It also supports the 16th Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) of strengthening peace, justice and resilient institutions.
Yogyakarta, June 14th, 2024—The implementation of the 2024 elections is still a hot topic in various political expert discussions. Not only Indonesia, but several other countries are also implementing a year of political contestation. The Department of Politics and Government (DPP) held a DPP APMA MHRD discussion, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (Fisipol) UGM, to discuss the future of democracy in the countries in the Asia-Pacific on Friday (14/6).
Hassan Nasir Misbahar, a Political Expert and APMA UGM Alumni was invited directly to explain his research on democracy in Pakistan which involves violence. Pakistan is one of the South Asian countries that implement a democratic government. Hassan said that Pakistan was once part of India. Internal divisions between Islam and Hinduism led Pakistan to separate itself. Some of the tribes that were the majority in Pakistan also moved, so currently the majority of the population are immigrants who are Muslim.
Yogyakarta, June 14th 2024─The revision of the Broadcasting Law of 2024 has sparked controversy as it threatens press freedom and artists’ creativity. The Broadcasting Bill of 2024 draft itself is a revision of the Broadcasting Law Number 32 of 2002. Responding to communication issues related to journalism, Master of Communication UGM held a Student Communication Discussion (DISKOMA #14) entitled “Threat of Broadcasting Bill to Local Broadcasting and Content Creators” on Friday (14/06).
Technological developments bring changes to new media and open up the technological paradigm significantly, with its latest logic demanding regulations that are adaptive and relevant to the times. Unfortunately, the available regulations have not been able to fully accommodate the changes that have occurred.
Yogyakarta, June 14th, 2024–The various discourse of touristification in the Gunungkidul regency needs further collaboration from many stakeholders, such as the government, academics, and the citizen coalition, to maintain water sustainability in the Karst ecosystem.
The Public Forum Room is an activity initiated by UGM’s Magistrate students of Management and Public Policy as a way to formulate solutions regarding the sustainability of the Karst ecosystem. This is in line with the UN’s Sustainable Development Goal 6, which talks about Clean Water and Sanitation.
Yogyakarta, June 14th 2024–In an attempt to improve the comfort and quality of learning, UGM’s Faculty of Social and Political Science has just installed new chairs in some of the buildings’ classrooms. There are about 412 new chair units, which replaced the old model of the chair present in the five classes in the BA Fisipol UGM classroom. The five classes are BA 203, BA 205, BA 301, BA 302, BA 303. This change is a gradual one, done by the faculty after the older facilities were getting too uncomfortable for the learning process.
Yogyakarta, 12 June 2024—The PPM Magister Studio held Publicness Forum #2 to increase collaboration in treating mental health. This time’s Publicness Forum took the theme “Collaboration between the Government, NGOs and the Community to Realize Inclusive and Sustainable Mental Health.” This event opened a discussion panel which resource persons from a variety of stakeholders attended, especially the government and NGOs who have important contributions regarding mental health, such as Karel Tuhehay, the Head of the Mental Health and Disability Department of the SATUNAMA Yogyakarta; Prahesworo Anantia Hadinoto from the External Division KPSI Simpul Yogyakarta; Lusina Siwi Lastriningsih, SKM., M. Kes., Functional Young Policy Analyst, Mental Spiritual Development Bureau, Regional Secretariat of DIY; Novita Ira Widari, S. Sos., the Head of the DIY Bina Karya and Laras Social Rehabilitation Center; Endang Pamungkasiwi, SKM., M. Kes., the Head of the Public Health Division of the DIY Health Service; Drs. Suhirman, Deputy Head of the DIY Education, Youth, and Sports Department.