Yogyakarta, February 23rd 2024─The holding of the general election two weeks ago does not mean that people can let their guard down. The post-election moments are the right momentum to reflect and re-evaluate the 2024 elections. As a forum to jointly reflect on the election process, Election Corner held its fourth Joint Media Discussion event with the title “A Week After the Election: Quo Vadis Demokrasi Indonesia?” on Friday (23/2) at Amphitheater BRI Work Room, Fisipol UGM.
According to Arya Budi, a lecturer at the Department of Politics and Government (DPP) UGM, there is a phenomenon that is an anomaly in the 2024 elections. Based on the temporary results of quick counts conducted by various survey institutions, the Prabowo-Gibran candidate pair is leading with more than 50% of the votes. Meanwhile, the party that supports Prabowo-Gibran is not leading in the quick count. “Empirically, this has never happened. Theoretically, this is also an anomaly because in general, if the presidential candidate is high, the supporting party will also be lifted,” Arya explained.