

United Nation Talk Show with FISIPOL UGM in Welcoming International Women’s Day 2023

Yogyakarta, March 7th 2023─Welcoming International Women’s Day 2023, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences UGM together with United Nation Indonesia held a talk show titled “International Women’s Day 2023 DigitALL: Innovation and Technology for Gender Equality” on Tuesday (7/3). Valerie Julliand as the UN Resident Coordinator in Indonesia was also present to provide views on the issue of gender equality in the digital era.

“We live in an all-digital era. There are various conveniences and speeds of information there. Without realizing it, digitalization itself creates non-inclusive conditions for several groups, one of which is internet accessibility between men and women in the world. In 2022, we find that only 32% of women have internet access, where 68% of men already have it,” said Valerie. She explained how the journey to building gender equality is still very long, even though this effort has been running for more than 300 years. read more

Fisipol UGM and Future Skills Held the First Ever AI-Based Talk Show in Indonesia

Yogyakarta, March 4th 2023─In collaboration with Yayasan Pijar Masa Depan, the Faculty of Social and Political Science Universitas Gadjah Mada (FISIPOL UGM) held an innovative panel discussion titled “The Future of Work and the Skills Needed for Indonesia’s Growth” on Saturday (4/3) online. The panel discussion is a part of the University Future Skills Batch 7 line of events, which officiate the arrival of a new batch of University Future Skill learners.

With Dr. Eng. Adhiloka Wijaya Messakh, S.T., M. Eng. as a technology expert, Ambarawati as an expert in agriculture, Yunus Abin Koto M.Sc., Ph.D., as an expert in education, and Obed Kresna Widyapratistha from Fisipol UGM as the moderator, this panel discussion is pretty unique. This is because all of the panelists are robots operated by AI (artificial intelligence), while the moderator is a real person. read more

FISIPOL UGM Opens Collaborative Classes with the University of Melbourne

Yogyakarta, March 3rd 2023─The collaborative class between the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (UGM) and the University of Melbourne’s Asia Institute was officially opened in a hybrid manner on Friday (3/3). The class entitled “Analysing Indonesia: Concepts and Issues” was attended by more than 30 students and will last for the next semester. Dr. Abdil Mughis Mudhoffir, an academic from the University of Melbourne who is also the coordinator of this course, said that this collaboration was designed with the aim that students from both universities are able to expand their academic networks, especially to exchange ideas. Mudhofir himself is not a foreign name in Indonesian studies. His book entitled “State of Disorder: Privatized Violence and the State in Indonesia” was nominated for the 2022 EUROSEAS Social Science Book Prize. read more

POLGOV National Seminar: Initiating Job Creation Legislation and the Impact of the Law Implementation

Yogyakarta, March 2nd 2023─POLGOV UGM cooperates with WFD to hold a national seminar entitled “Job Creation Legislation: Initiating Solutions to Legal Problems and Potential Impacts of Implementing the Law” in a hybrid way at the BA 4th Floor Auditorium of FISIPOL UGM and via Zoom Meeting (2/3). This discussion sheds light on the policy-making process as well as the impact of implementing laws, particularly the Job Creation Law in Indonesia.

This seminar is divided into two sessions. The first session was filled presenting Franklin De Vrieze (Head of Practice for Accountability WFD), Dr. Inosentius Samsul (Head of the DPR RI Expertise Agency), Dr. Mahaarum Kusuma Pertiwi (Lecturer at the Faculty of Law UGM), Prof. Purwo Santoso (Professor of Political Science UGM), and moderated by Agus Wijayanto (Indonesia Country Representative WFD). The second session presented Rafel Jimenez-Aybar (Environmental Democracy Adviser WFD), Al Khanif, Ph.D (Executive Director of the Center for Human Rights, Multiculturalism, and Migration, Faculty of Law, University of Jember), Dr. Wahyu Yun Santoso (Lecturer at the Faculty of Law UGM), Dr. Amalinda Savirani (Lecturer at the Department of Politics and Government UGM), and moderated by Dr. Arie Ruhyanto (Lecturer at the Department of Politics and Government UGM). read more

The Art of Storytelling: Self Branding is Important!

Yogyakarta, February 26th 2023─The development of the digital world makes the flow of communication more complex. Not only because of its convenience, but the digital world has also provided major disruptions in terms of advertising or image branding. This phenomenon certainly requires the current generation to be able to understand how to manage a quality self-image in society. Permodalan Nasional Madani (PNM), a subsidiary of Bank Rakyat Indonesia (BRI) which is engaged in capital and micro business development, also has a social responsibility to take part in empowering people in the digital era. Through a talk show titled “The Art of Storytelling on Image Building”, PNM fulfills this role by targeting the younger generation. read more

Appointed as Professor, Prof. Poppy: Not Just Academic Achievements

Yogyakarta, February 23rd 2023─Prof. Dr. Poppy Sulistyaning Winanti was officially inaugurated as a Professor of International Relations on Thursday (23/02) at the Senate Hall, Universitas Gadjah Mada. This inauguration marked Poppy as the first female professor in the field of international relations at UGM. During her time as an academic, Poppy consistently pursued international political economy studies, including the politics of international cooperation, regional economic integration, and issues surrounding the reform of the World Trade Organization (WTO). In her inauguration speech, Poppy conveyed an idea entitled “Reconsidering ‘Embedded Liberalism’ for WTO Reform: Plurilateralism in International Trade Multilateralism”. read more

CfDS Fisipol UGM Collaborated withGoogle for Education to Analyze the Future of Hybrid Education

Yogyakarta, February 22nd 2023─Center for Digital Society (CfDS) of the Faculty of Social and Political Science Universitas Gadjah Mada (Fisipol UGM) is back with Digital Experts Talk #18 with the title “The Future of Hybrid Education in Post-Pandemic Indonesia”. The event, which was held in a hybrid manner in Google Indonesia’s office on Wednesday (22/2) was a collaboration between CfDS and Google for Education. There were four speakers in the show; I Nyoman Rudi Kurniawan the Director of Junior High School, Director General of Early Childhood Education, Ministry of Education and Culture; Bonifasius Wahyu Pudjianto, the Director of Informatics Empowerment Directorate General Aptika Kominfo; Topari, Informatics and Communication Technology Teacher at SMA 1 Playen; and Kuskridho Ambardi, CfDS Researcher. read more

Dissemination of Study Results, UP3M Opens Discussion on National Agrarian Issues

Yogyakarta, February 17th 2023─To promote the dissemination of study results by the academic community of FISIPOL UGM, the Research, Publication, and Community Service Unit (UP3M) holds monthly discussions. On Friday (17/02), dozens of students from both inside and outside of UGM enlivened the discussion at West Tuesday, FISIPOL. The discussion was moderated by Tapiheru Joash Elisha S. and attended by the Dean of Fisipol, Wawan Mas’udi, Ph.D. This discussion series focuses on Muchtar Habibi’s study findings in the book Capitalism and Agrarian Change: Class, Production, and Reproduction. This book is the result of Muchtar’s dissertation while studying at the University of London. read more

Fisipol UGM Talked About Opportunities and Challenges to Welcome Indonesia’s 2023 ASEAN Chairmanship

Yogyakarta, February 14th 2023─The ASEAN Studies Center (ASC) of Gadjah Mada University’s Faculty of Social and Political Science held a public seminar titled “Indonesia’s Agenda in the 2023 ASEAN Chairmanship: Challenges and Opportunities” on Tuesday (14/2). The event was held online and divided into two discussion panels. The first session raised the topic of “Geopolitical Challenges and Democracy in the ASEAN Region” and was filled by Sidharto Suryodipuro, Director General for ASEAN Cooperation in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, as well as Amalinda Savirani, a lecturer in Fisipol UGM. read more

Launching of Dental and Oral Health Services (GILUT) Wellness Center Fisipol UGM

Yogyakarta, February 14th 2023─Coinciding with three years of its inauguration, the Wellness Center of FISIPOL UGM in collaboration with the Faculty of Dentistry (FKG) UGM and the Academic Hospital (RSA) of UGM, held a health talk show for the UGM Fisipol academic community in the framework of the Launching of Dental and Oral Health Services (GILUT) on Tuesday morning (14/1), at the Posbindu Building of FISIPOL UGM.

The series of activities were opened with a dental and oral health check by the UGM FKG medical team, as well as a free basic health check by the UGM RSA medical team. Then, there were two talk show sessions, namely the theme “Dental Health and Work Productivity” hosted by drg. Suryono as the Dean of FKG UGM and the theme “Mental Health and Work Productivity” presented by dr. Tika Prasetiawati as a Mental Health Specialist at RSA UGM. read more