

Promoting Digital Literacy Acceleration Together to Welcome the Future

Yogyakarta, May 18th 2022─Digital Expert Talk #10 organized by the Center for Digital Society (CfDS) Fisipol UGM became a digital smart roadshow and Supporting Event for the G20 Summit with the title “Unpacking the Metaverse: Accelerating Digital Literacy in Welcoming Future Technology”. This event is a collaboration between Gadjah Mada University through CfDS UGM and the Ministry of Communication and Information (KOMINFO) and is supported by Meta.

On this occasion, the event took place with a mixed method. There is an offline event with limited participants at Graha Sabha Pramana and an online event which can be watched through  Zoom or CfDS Fisipol UGM’s live youtube streaming. read more

Analyzing the “Ethical Code in Social Science Research in Indonesia”, A Book by Mayling Oey-Gardiner

Yogyakarta, May 18th 2022─The Department of Social Development and Welfare of the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences UGM held a book review session entitled “Code of Ethics in Social Science Research in Indonesia” in the Social Development Talk program on Wednesday (18/5). This event presented the author of the book Mayling Oey-Gardiner as the speaker and Janianton Damanik as the lecturer of PSdK Fisipol UGM as the discussant.

The book, which was published in 2021, has been in the works for three years since 2018, together with his two students, Fandy Rahardi and Canyon Keanu Can. The writing of the book departed from Mayling’s concern about the development of science. She thinks that the development of science is not based on the circumstances around her. Mayling said that when she was a lecturer at the Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Indonesia, she saw that students were not used to collecting data but instead used data collected by other people. read more

Searching for The Alternative to Youth-Friendly Violence Management in YouSure and Fisipol UGM’ Webinar

Yogyakarta, April 27th 2022─The klitih case (now called street crime) is back again in Yogyakarta. The number of victims who spoke up made this phenomenon widely discussed, especially when it was revealed that the perpetrators are youngsters, most of whom are still in school. As a study center that focuses on youth issues, the Youth Study Center (YouSure) in collaboration with FISIPOL UGM conducts research as well as community services to help solve the phenomenon of street crime. This step began with a webinar titled “Seeking Alternatives for Handling Youth-Friendly Street Crimes” on Wednesday (27/4). read more

FOCUS Platform as an Attempt to Increase Online Learning Quality

Yogyakarta, April 26th 2022─Gadjah Mada University’s Faculty of Social and Political Science (Fisipol) held a “Discussion and Fast Breaking Together” for six days starting from 18 April to 26 April 2022. The event was held in Fisipol UGM Mandiri Auditorium Room and invited several lecturers and the deanship in the department with different schedules every day. Before entering the main event which is to break the fast together, a new learning platform named FOCUS is discussed.

Fisipol Online Courses (FOCUS) is an online learning media that was formed with the objective of providing class access for students with an output in the form of scoring students’ performance. Students can directly choose from the options of courses and follow a series of materials in their entirety. In the Spring Semester of 2022, several courses and other activities organized by departments and units at Fisipol UGM have been tested on the FOCUS platform. read more

Getting to Know Expressive Writing in Journaling Activities

Yogyakarta, April 24th 2022─Career Development Center (CDC) of FISIPOL UGM held a workshop entitled “Process Feeling with Journaling” on Sunday (24/4). The event, which took place through the Zoom platform, invited two speakers in the field of clinical psychologists, namely Ranisa Kautsar Tristi from the Bureau of Dynamic Psychology and Zahwa Islami from the Faculty of Psychology of UGM.

This opportunity discusses one form of writing in journaling activities, namely expressive writing. Expressive writing, also known as free writing, is writing whatever comes to mind without any restrictions and no need to edit. By pouring our feelings, ideas, or thoughts into writing, we can help recover from things we have experienced, either traumatic or unpleasant. read more

‘Women Leadership Can Create a Healthier Organization’

Yogyakarta, April 18th 2022─The Department of Sociology, Social and Political Sciences UGM in collaboration with the Department of Women’s Empowerment, Child Protection and Population Control DIY held the Second Series of Public Lectures on Women’s Leadership and Social Transformation on Monday (18/4). This online activity via Zoom raised the topic of “Women’s Leadership in the Public and Private Sector”. The speaker that was invited on this occasion was Safira Rosa Machrusah as the Indonesian Ambassador to Algeria and Elvira Lianita as the External Affairs Director of PT HM Sampoerna Tbk. read more

The Third Session of the Symposium of the Department of Social Development and Welfare Master Program Discusses Social Enterprises

Yogyakarta, April 12th 2022─The Department of Social Development and Welfare (PSdK) of FISIPOL UGM held an online 2022 Masters Symposium on 11-12 April 2022. In the third session of the symposium, a lecturer of the Department of Social Development and Welfare, Nurhadi, became the moderator who guided the discussion with keynote speaker Kelly Hall from the University of Birmingham, England.

Kelly explained the general description and results of his research on social enterprises in the UK in a discussion entitled “Social Enterprise: An Organisational Model to Promote Health and Social Care”. According to Kelly, a social enterprise is a company that carries out business activities to address social problems and improve and empower communities, living standards, and the environment. He added that social mission plays an important role in running a social enterprise. However, Kelly emphasised that social enterprises are different from charitable organisations which only carry out their activities through donations. read more

Discussion and Review of the Book “In Search of New Social Democracy” by Professor Olle Tornquist

Yogyakarta, April 8th 2022─The Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (Fisipol) of Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM), held a discussion and review of the book “In Search of New Social Democracy”. Professor Olle Tornquist from the University of Oslo, the author of the book, discussed his work with two speakers, namely Amalinda Savirani (lecturer of the Department of Politics and Government/DPP or PolGov) and Muhammad Najib Azea (lecturer of the Department of Sociology or SOREC), as well as several audiences who were the Fisipol UGM doctoral student at the Digital Library of Fisipol UGM. read more

“Apindo Cooperation Internship” Involves All Faculties at UGM

Yogyakarta, March 25th 2022─The Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (Fisipol) of Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) held a meeting between the Indonesian Employers’ Association (Apindo) and all faculty and vocational school leaders at UGM to discuss preparations for the implementation of the “Cooperation Internship with Apindo”. Dozens of people consisting of the dean, deputy dean, and representatives from Apindo attended the meeting which was held at the Auditorium of FISIPOL.

Executive Director of Apindo, Danang Girindrawardana, explained that the absorption of university graduates in the world of work is still very low, only around 11 percent. Therefore, drastic changes are needed for the pattern of absorption of undergraduates people so that there is no spike in educated unemployment. Danang said that one of the concerns of the business world was to support the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia and to support the Independent Learning Campus Independent Program (MBKM) program of the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia. In this case, Apindo wants a more formal and systematic internship process. read more

The Opening of Digital Intelligence Class 2022

Yogyakarta, March 18th 2022─The Center for Digital Society (CfDS) collaborated with the Ministry of Communication and Information of the Republic of Indonesia, and the National Digital Literacy Movement SIBERKREASI launched the 2022 Digital Intelligence Class course. The event was officially opened on (18/03) with several speakers, namely Dedy Permadi, a representative from the Ministry of Communication and Information, Tasya Kamila, and Fiki Naki as a representative of Indonesia’s digital talent. This continues to grow and in its development will provide considerable economic opportunities in Indonesia. “Therefore, the need for technology-savvy talents is urgently needed in this era, and this class facilitates capacity building and knowledge for this,” said Dedy as the opening remarks for this afternoon’s event.The Digital Intelligence Class will discuss several things including critical thinking, design thinking, privacy and data protection, digital communication, digital ethics, and digital governance.

Guiding the course of the event, Anisa Pratita as the moderator gave some discussion questions. Starting from Kominfo, Anisa tries to find out what breakthroughs have been made by Kominfo, and about what homework needs to be done together.

Responding to this, Dedy said that Digital Intelligence Classes have been held since 2020 and in collaboration with 120 community institutions and institutions in Indonesia. Considering that this class requires cooperation from various parties, together with public figures, content creators, activists on women’s issues, children’s issues, and others, the Ministry of Communication and Information seeks to implement inclusive and collaborative digital literacy. Basically, there is still a lot of homework, but the point is that every individual must be responsible for using existing digital developments. In this case, young people must always be positive, creative, and productive. read more