

Human Rights Issue and Social Inequality in the Covid-19 Management

Yogyakarta, September 25th 2021─FISIPOL UGM Student Board (DEMA) held a webinar titled “September GERAM (Gericau HAM) X Eunoia ” on Saturday (25/9). The theme of this webinar is “Human Rights Issue and Social Inequality in the Covid-19 Management ” which invited Usman Hamid (Chairman of the Public Virtue Research Institute) and Abra Talattov (INDEF Researcher). The event was held virtually through a Zoom meeting. 

There needs to be an evaluation on the social inequality in the pandemic management based on several principles in the human rights perspective. Usman Hamid said that those principles include the principles of equality and non-discrimination, the principles of participation, the principle of transparency and accountability, and the principle of international help and collaboration. However, so far, there are several problems because of the lack of attention towards those principles in the COVID-19 management. “For example, the social aid to help those that live paycheck to paycheck is not done by the state and one of the reasons behind this lack of action is the corruption in the social aid fund.” he said.  read more

State of the Art Series Book Launch on FISIPOL UGM 66th Dies Natalis

Yogyakarta, September 20th 2021–In order to celebrate FISIPOL UGM 66th Dies Natalis, a State of The Art Fisipol Book Launch was held on Monday (20/9) morning. In the event there was the Dean of Fisipol UGM Wawan Mas’udi, Head of the Event Muchtar Habibi, Head of the FISIPOL UGM Senate Prof. Dr. Susetiawan, and several writers of the State of the Art Series book. The event was held virtually through Fisipol UGM’s Youtube. FISIPOL UGM 66th Dies Natalis 2021 used the theme of “Work and Inequality During the Pandemic” and was held from September 11th to October 30th with several events. Some of them are: national and international seminars, cross department seminars, several competitions, alumni gathering, and art exhibitions. “We hope that this year’s Dies Natalis can bring together the FISIPOL UGM members. We also hope that this year’s event can be a reminder for Fisipol to stay relevant in the effort to solve the social problem around us,” said Muchtar Habibi, The Head Committee of Dies Natalis FISIPOL UGM.  read more

Learn to Love Yourself by Setting Your Own Limits in Webinar Series #4 by FISIPOL Crisis Center

Yogyakarta, September 17th 2021─FISIPOL Crisis Center as a service for handling and preventing sexual violence cases within the FISIPOL UGM environment regularly organizes educational activities to raise awareness of the urgency of the issue of sexual violence. After previously holding several Webinar Series and FCC Talks that raised issues related to sexual violence—both directly and indirectly, the FISIPOL Crisis Center is back with its fourth Webinar Series entitled “Self Love: Define Your Value and Personal Boundaries” on Friday. (17/9). read more

Discussing the Vision and Political Dilemma of Education in Indonesia with the Department of Sociology

Yogyakarta, September 17th 2021─Issue in the field of education has become close to the people. Moreover, there are many criticisms that point to the governance of education in Indonesia. This phenomenon has become a topic of discussion in the #1 Sociology & Social Policy Public Lecture Series with the title ‘Political Education in Indonesia: Long-Term Vision and Various Dilemmas’. This event was organized by the Master’s Degree Study Program of the Department of Sociology of the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences UGM on Friday (17/9) at 10.00 WIB through Zoom Meeting. On this occasion, Irsyad Zamjani, PhD as the Head of the Center for Policy Research of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology was present as a speaker, and Desintha Dwi Asriani, PhD as a Lecturer in the Department of Sociology as a moderator. read more

Community-Based Resource Management: The Form of an Energy Independent Society?

Yogyakarta, September 17th 2021─The Department of Social Development and Welfare (PSdK) of Fisipol UGM held the September edition of Social Development Talks (SoDeT) with the title “Community-based Resource Management: The Form of an Energy Independent Society?”. On this occasion, there are three resource persons who will share their thoughts, namely Mohammad Rasyid, Head of the Tirta Pijar Group, the Initiator of PLTMH; Rendi Dwianggara as Assistant Public Relations and CSR of PT Pembangkitan Jawa Bali Generation Unit (PJB UP) Paiton; and Vandy Yoga Swara, Lecturer of the Department of Social Development and Welfare of Fisipol UGM. This talk show was held online with moderator Mohammad Farid Budiono and was attended by 30 participants. The event, which took place from 01.00 p.m. to 03.00 p.m., discussed various things regarding community-based resource management efforts in order to minimize conflicts in the community. read more

CfDS Fisipol Collaborates with CLSD UGM to Discuss the Phenomenon of Cyberbullying in Teenagers in Indonesia

Yogyakarta, September 16th 2021─The Center for Digital Society (CfDS) FISIPOL UGM again held its routine event, namely the 61st Digital Future Discussion by reviewing the issue of the Cyberbullying Phenomenon of Teenagers in Indonesia. Diffusion #61 this time is a form of collaboration between CfDS and the Center for Life-Span and Development (CLSD) UGM by presenting three speakers, including Deshinta Dwi (lecturer of the Department of Sociology of UGM), Andika Zakiy (Sejiwa Program Coordinator), and Fitra Andika (Functional Young Planner). Special Protection for Children from Violence, KEMENPPPA RI). read more

Learning from the Village Meeting and Election in East Nusa Tenggara

Yogyakarta, September 14th 2021─The Department of Governmental Politics (DPP) Fisipol UGM is back with a Village Politics public lecture with the title of “Village Democracy: Learning from the Village Meeting and Election in Sikka East Nusa Tenggara”. This session of the public lecture invited an awesome speaker which is Hendrika Mayora Victoria, the first trans woman to be a member of the Village Deliberation Body (BPD) in Habi Village, Kangae District, Sikka Region, East Nusa Tenggara. This event was also moderated by Devy Dhian Cahyanti as the lecturer of The Department of Governmental Politics (DPP) Fisipol UGM and it was attended by 98 participants. The discussion was interesting because it analyzes several dynamics felt by Bunda Mayora as a member of the BPD, how the BPD affects the society, and the challenges of creating inclusivity in the society.  read more

CfDS Diffusion #60: Can Social Media Campaigns Attract Youngsters?

Yogyakarta, September 13th 2021─Diffusion #60: Social Media Campaign:Can It Attract Youngsters? was held by the Center for Digital Society (CfDS) Fisipol UGM with BEM Fisip Universitas Riau through a Zoom Meeting last Monday (13/9). Hafiz Noer as CfDS’ Research Associate and Nurul Amalia as a researcher in Association for Election and Democracy (Perludem) are the speakers. 

Hafiz Noer talked about the social media campaign aimed towards the millennial and Z generation. According to Hafiz, social media is now an alternative public sphere that can break through conventional barriers. “The cyber public sphere is more dynamic and egalitarian, therefore there are a lot of active youngsters there. Hence, the political cyberspace can also raise the awareness of youngsters,” said Hafiz. In his session, Hafiz also said that social media is not only meant for campaigns but also for socialization.  read more

Stock Strategy for Beginners in a Pandemic Period

Yogyakarta, September 12th 2021─GAMAPI and KAPSTRA Fisipol UGM held an Acitya Webinar with the title “Stock Strategy for Beginners in a Pandemic Period” on (12/09). This event is held online and is a collaboration between GAMAPI’s entrepreneurship division and KAPSTRA’s creative economy. On this occasion, the presenters were quite interesting, namely Fischa Dwi Choirina as the Capital Market Educator for understanding stocks. In addition, this event was moderated by Bhram Raditya K. as the Deputy Chair of ESM FEB UGM and was attended by 240 webinar participants. In general, the discussion in the webinar explores various information about investing and stocks, ranging from the importance of having an investment mindset to safe investing tips for beginners. read more

Talking About Fresh Graduate Uncertainty with YouSure Fisipol and Rise Foundation

Yogyakarta, September 11th  2021─Usually, fresh graduates are confused about how to jump into their career world. This is the reason behind the RISETalk #16 events titled “Fresh Graduates, Don’t be Confused!” held by the Youth Studies Center (YouSure) Fisipol UGM with Rise Foundation on Saturday (11/9). The event was streamed live on Instagram and was hosted by Ika Kusumawati as a Human Resource practitioner as well as Safira Tafani as a Research Assistant Intern at YouSure Fisipol UGM.  read more