

CfDS Digitalk #42: Application of Technology for MSME Acceleration

Yogyakarta, July 10th 2020—Center for Digital Society (CfDS) UGM came back with its discussion called Digitalk #42: Application of Technology for MSME Acceleration. In this occasion, CfDS collaborated with, a software which targeted the business people as their users. provided online invoicing service which commonly manually made in the other softwares. Established since 2016, already cooperated with more than 10.000 companies, including the big platform such as Tokopedia. Yogia Sugialam as the CTO of became the speaker in this discussion, along with Amelinda Pandu as the Project Officer of CfDS as the moderator. The discussion was held on the Google Meet platform on Friday (10/7) from 03.30 p.m. to 05.00 p.m. read more

Collaborative Role of Corporation and Community in Facing COVID-19 Crisis

Yogyakarta, July 9th 2020—In its 63rd Dies Natalis, the Department of Social Development and Welfare held a webinar called ‘CSR for the Community Empowerment in Facing COVID-19 Crisis’. Even though they have held a webinar with the topic ‘CSR Role in the Crisis Management of COVID-19’, the Department of Social Development and Welfare offered novelty in this webinar. The topic in this webinar was focused to see the role of two actors—the company through its CSR and the community—collaboratively. read more

The Complicated Matter of Racism in Papua That Needs to Be Comprehensively Addressed  

Yogyakarta, July 6th 2020—Jamaah Muslim Fisipol (JMF) conducted the NGOPI discussion titled “The Complicated Matter of Papua Racism: What is still lacking?” with Zaki Arrobi, a professor from the Sociology Department, as the speaker last Monday through the Google Meet platform.

Zaki opened the discussion by reflecting on the universality of Islam’s fight against racism. “A lot of historian in the early years of Islam said that a lot of slaves were freed by the prophet’s friends, which are assabiqunal awwalun. Historians also said that Islam spread mainly because of its egalitarianism,” Zaki said. read more

How the Pandemic Shows the Real Limitation of Indonesia’s Education Infrastructure

Yogyakarta, July 6th 2020—The Department of Public Policy Management Center for Research (Puska MKP), held a webinar titled “Bridging the Gaps; Policy Design vs the Readiness of Elementary and Middle School Education Implementation”. The webinar had three speakers in the first session. The three of them were Agustinus Subarsono, Ph.D, as the Director of Puska MKP UGM; Prof. Dr. Ainun. Naim, The Secretary General of Education and Culture Ministry; and Abetnego Tarigan, Deputy III of the President Staff office. This webinar was opened by Prof. Dr. Erwan Agus Purwanto, M.Si as Fisipol UGM dean. read more

People’s Market Facing Adaptation of Innovations and Challenges in the Wake of Market Digitalization amidst the Pandemic

Yogyakarta, 5 July 2020—Serial discussion Ngopi (Ngobrol Pagi) #4 was virtually held on 5 July, 2020, discussing  the pandemic, institutional capacity-building, and development of online people’s market. Departemen Ilmu Komunikasi/Department of Communication Sciences UGM as the organizer of the event invited Dr. Hempri Suyatna, S. Sos., M.Si. as a lecturer in the Department of Social Development and Welfare UGM, Rindu Sanubari Mashita Firdaus, S.I.P., M.Sc. as a researcher in the Center for Studies on People’s Economy, and Achniah Damayanti, S.I.P., M.Sc. as a lecturer in the Department of Communication Sciences UGM. The two-hour discussion provided insights on the existence of people’s market during the pandemic, which had to adapt with innovations, as well as overcome challenges by shifting into a virtual market. read more

Digitalk#41 CfDS: Facebook’s Role in the Era of COVID-19 Pandemic

Yogyakarta, 4 July 2020—UGM’s Center for Digital Society organized the forty-first Digitalk, together with Noudhy Valdryno—serving as Politics and Government Outreach for Facebook Indonesia and Asia Pacific—as the speaker, under the theme of “Facebook’s Role in the Era of COVID-19 Pandemic” (3/7). Noudhy explained that Facebook Indonesia stands on three main pillars, which include helping small-medium enterprises/SMEs, building communities, and supporting effective digital government. read more

First Episode of Centang Biru Kewirausahaan Sosial: From Ideas to Execution

Yogyakarta, 4 July 2020—Upon succeeding in organizing various entrepreneurship classes, Kewirausahaan Sosial UGM/UGM Social Entrepreneurship Program came up with a new series of classes titled Centang Biru–Cerita tentang Bisnis dan Insight Terbaru/Stories of Businesses and Fresh Insights. Similar with the previous Series of Social Entrepreneurship Courses, Centang Biru was also aired on Kewirausahaan Sosial UGM’s Youtube channel. In its first episode, Centang Biru invited Delta Purna Widyangga, CEO and co-founder of QISCUS, to speak under the theme of “From Ideas to Execution”. read more

Bincang ASEAN: The “New Normal” Community Preparedness in ASEAN Countries Together With ASEAN Studies Center

Yogyakarta, July 3rd 2020 – The ASEAN countries were facing the new normal phase after the ease of large scale social restrictions (Pembatasan Sosial Berskala Besar/PSBB) and lockdown policy. In responding to this new phase, ASEAN Studies Center (ASC) FISIPOL UGM held a webinar called Bincang ASEAN: The “New Normal” Community Preparedness in ASEAN Countries on the YouTube on Friday (3/7). This webinar was moderated by Fadilah Rahma, the Program Intern of ASC as the MC, and Tunggal Wicaksono as the Research Officer of ASC as the moderator. ASC presented Phar Kim Beng, the Former Director of Policy and Security Community Department of the ASEAN Secretary as the speaker. The webinar lasted from 02.00 p.m. to 03.30 p.m. read more

The Silencing of Academic Discussion, “The Concept of Academic’s New Normal?”

Yogyakarta, July 2nd 2020 – The Politics and Government Students Corps (Korps Mahasiswa Politik dan Pemerintahan/KOMAP) FISIPOL UGM held an online discussion called, ‘The Silencing of Academic Discussion, the New Concept of Academic’s New Normal?’. This event was moderated by Jacinda Nurun and presented two speakers, they were Abdul Gaffar Karim, the lecturer of Department of Politics and Government FISIPOL UGM and Diego Febryano, the Coordinating Minister of Analysis of BEM KM UGM 2020. In this occasion, the discussion was aired through Google Meet and lasted from 01.00 p.m. to 03.30 p.m. This event was divided into two sessions, the first session was the explanation session from the speakers and the second session was the question and answer session with the speakers. read more

#SmallTalk with Kartitedjo: Ups and Downs of Business in the Field of Culture

Yogyakarta, July 2nd 2020—Creative Hub FISIPOL UGM together with Kartitedjo held its first #SmallTalk called ‘Ups and Downs of Business in the Field of Culture’ on the Instagram Live on Thursday (2/7). Kartitedjo is a social business which preserving the Javanese culture through the creative audiovisual contents and social issues. The discussion started at 04.00 p.m. and was moderated by Dendi. Some members of Kartitedjo team also presented in this event.

Kartitedjo established in 2016 by nine young people who had the same concern, which was the Javanese descent but did not grow up in a Javanese culture, but grew up with a foreign culture. The name of Kartitedjo itself had its own philosophy. Karti means Karepeng Ati and Tedjo means Teladaning Djiwo. It means, Kartitedjo was built based on the heart calling and must be done wholeheartedly when they entered that field. “We had the philosophy that if it was the heart calling, we should do it,” Ulul said. read more