Yogyakarta, April 29th 2020— The Department of Social Development and Welfare (PSdK in Bahasa Indonesia) held an online seminar called “CSR for Covid-19 crisis management” last Wednesday. This discussion was meant to evaluate how companies participate in the prevention and management of Covid-19, both externally or internally.This discussion was filled by three speakers as a representative of three companies; Heri Supriyanto from PT Pembangkitan Jawa-Bali, Vera Galuh Soegijanto from Danone Indonesia, and Budi Wahyu Soesilo as well as Fakhri Husaini from PT Pupuk East Borneo. This discussion also included two representative from the SDW Department which are Dr. Krisdyatmiko, S.Sos., M.Si, as the speaker from the academic side and Rezaldi Alief Pramadha, M.S.S., as the moderator of the discussion.
The discussion was held through the Google Meet platform on 10 am. A couple minutes before the discussion starts, the moderator explained the rules of the discussion, especially concerning the use of mute feature and screen sharing while the discussion is conducted. The discussion starts with an explanation of CSR in Covid-19 management from the perspective of companies.
The Covid-19 prevention implementation both in PT Pembangkitan Jawa-Bali or PT Pupuk East Borneo was conducted with a couple basis. In PT PJB, there were two bases that were used, which are The Director’s Formal Letter about Covid-19 prevention anticipation in the company’s environment which was adopted as a guide for internal department, and PJB Directors decree to guide the implementation of social and environmental responsibility as an external guidance. As for PT Pupuk, the company used the rule of law, such as WHO’s guidance, Indonesia’s President Directive, and State Owned Enterprise Minister decree, as the basis for the management and prevention of Covid-19. read more