

DigiTalk #38: Together Preventing Psychological Manipulation (Magis) and Protecting Personal Data Security in Digital Era

Yogyakarta, 12 March—Center for Digital Society (CfDS) cooperated with Gojek, Commission I of House of People’s Representatives of Republic Indonesia, and Ministry of Communication and Information Technology Indonesia in the event called Digitalk #38 on Thursday (12/3). This time, DigiTalk’s topic talked about the prevention of psychological manipulation and other crimes in digital world that arose along with the rise of digital services in Indonesia.

Aditya Hidayat as the Adjunct Researcher of CfDS explained that psychological manipulation (Magis) is a fraud with social engineering technique in digital era which exploited the psychological side of their service users. The main key of Magis itself is to accomplish certain emotional condition so that users are encouraged to do something or get fooled. One of Magis’s forms is personal identity theft by irresponsible people. read more

How “Women Have Stories” Film is Relevant in our Current Condition

Yogyakarta, March 11th 2020 – Last Wednesday, The Student Board of Gadjah Mada University’s Faculty of Social and Political science held a public discussion. This forum used the “Perempuan Punya Cerita” movie (eng: Women Have Stories) to start a discussion about the problems in Indonesian female life.  This movie is a compilation of four short stories – Island Story, Yogyakarta Story, Cibinong Story, and Jakarta Story – which narrates different issues related to women’s life.

Due to a time limitation, the movie screening only showed the Yogyakarta Story segment. The movie screening was then followed by a discussion held in the BRI Work Amphitheatre from 16.00 to 18.00 pm. The speaker in this event were Mrs. Pola Setiahati from Yogyakarta UPT P2TP2A, Mr. Ramadhani Thareq Kemal Pasha from Planned Parenthood, and Ms. Anggun from Women’s March. read more

Dipcool #1: Closer Look on Adam Smith’s Philosophy

Yogyakarta, March 10th 2020 – Dema Fisipol UGM Kabinet Basudara (Fisipol UGM Student Council Basudara’s Cabinet) held Dipcool #1 or the first series of Dema Fisipol School with discussing over Adam Smith’s Social-Political and Economic Philosophy on March 10, 2020, at 15.30. Discussion with the speaker Drs Muhadi Sugiono, M.A., as a lecturer in International Relations and Fadhil Haidar as the moderator, was held in the room 203 of BA building in Faculty of Social and Political Science UGM. The discussion attended by approximately 15 people from various departments in Fisipol UGM. Despite the little amount of audience, the forum took place smoothly and lively. read more

Women’s Domestication_ Demand or Choice

Yogyakarta, 5 March 2020—Organization of Humanity FISIPOL UGM held its first discussion and film screening Kim Ji-Young: Born 1982 with the topic, “Women’s Domestication in Modern Era, Is That Relevant?”. The film, Kim Ji-Young: Born 1982, represents how patriarchy is still ingrained in the marriage life. The main female character in this film portrays how she views her role as the housewife in the family which makes her suffers from severe depression. Not only that, this film also portrays the demands and obstacles of the working women. Overall, all of the problems is packed very neatly in this 1 hour and 58 minutes film, so it may encourage women to speak up regarding gender inequality in their lives. read more

The Embodiment of Capacity Building Training_ CDC Held A Spanish Language Class

Yogyakarta, 5 March 2020—The progress of Career Development Center, also known as CDC, within the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences can be said that it has been able to help the students to improve their capacity development. As one of the capacity development institution which located in the campus, CDC always tries to arrange programs that correspond to the interests and talents of the Fisipol students. This was also stated by the Head of Development and Capacity Division CDC, Alifia Nuarifia, that the programs that will and are still being held by the CDC are the result of the Fisipol students’ participation. By giving a survey related to the program that interesting for the students, CDC will do a crosscheck and arrange the programs that will represent the interests of the students. read more

Dive Into Scientific Writing Tips with SRCC FISIPOL UGM

Yogyakarta, 5 Maret 2020—Student Research and Creative Corner (SRCC) FISIPOL UGM held a writing class that discussed about scientific research. The class that took place in building BA 205 FISIPOL UGM was taught by Tauchid Komara Yudha, the writer of international journals, Suara Mahasiswa, and Republika. With Yudha, the evening class discussed how writer’s mindset must be built, especially in the case of scientific paper writing in social field.

SRCC itself is one of the student’s activity units in FISIPOL UGM. SRCC focused on developing student writing competences, reasoning skill, and competition. “The initial formation of SRCC was motivated by the lack of organization to do consolidation for faculty student creativity week,” Riza Nur Pratama, one of SRCC organizers, explained. He also explained, this event was the first class in 2020. But, for the future SRCC will try to make this kind of class become a monthly program. read more

The Third Series of Sociopreneurship Class, Building Sustainable Businesses by Spreading Benefits

Yogyakarta, 28 February 2020—“If from the beginning, our initial orientation in starting this business was making a huge profit, Ruangguru will not last until now,” Adamas Belva said, the Co-Founder of Ruangguru, in an event called The Third Series of Sociopreneurship Class: Spread the Knowledge to Every Corner, last Friday. Until 2020, the number of users of this biggest education startup in Indonesia has reached 15 millions students.

That event was initiated by the Department of Politics and Government Fisipol UGM and supported by Innovation and Academic Research Center UGM (PIKA UGM). From 13.00 WIB, rows of chairs in the 4th Floor Auditorium Fisipol UGM, the venue of this event, were filled with audiences. Besides Belva, there was also the Founder of Bahaso, Tyovan Ari Widagdo. Ari began to develop this platform where people can learn foreign language online in 2015. To the audiences, Belva and Ari talked about their experiences in starting a business which known by the people as sociopreneurship. read more

Prof. Erwan in UGMtalks 2019: Universities Shouldn’t be Old-Fashioned!

Yogyakarta, 30 November 2019—Prof. Dr. Erwan Agus Purwanto, M. Si, the Dean of Fisipol, presented a presentation entitled “Transformation into a Digital Faculty.” He presented this presentation on UGMtalks 2019, which was entitled “Innovating Education, Strengthening Our Nation.” This event was held by the Center of Academic Innovation and Studies of UGM and was held in the auditorium on the 5th floor of the Postgraduate Building of UGM last Saturday.

This event featured 8 speakers with different expertise that hailed from various faculties of UGM. Prof. Erwan’s presentation focused on the possible implications of the Industry 4.0 to various sectors, including the education sector. read more

Fusion Between Modern Music and Gamelan as the Main Event of Fisipol’s 64th Anniversary

Yogyakarta, 30 November 2019—The Pancasila field in front of UGM’s Grha Sabha Pramana was full of visitors from 6.30 pm. The drizzle that showered that night didn’t prevent the crowd attending this concert, which was one of UGM’s largest.

This concert was entitled “Rhapsody of the Archipelago Gamelan 4.0” and was the main event of Fisipol’s 64th anniversary and UGM’s 14th lustrum. This concert featured a colossal gamelan show. Several important figures, such as Ganjar Pranowo (the Governor of Central Java) and Pratikno (the State Secretary of Indonesia) attended this concert. At 7 pm, the gamelan was played, which meant that the concert was going to be started soon. read more

CfDS Digitalk #35: Protecting Data Authenticity from Cyberattacks with Digital Autographs in the Blockhain Era

Yogyakarta, 19 November 2019—CfDS organized another edition of Digitalk, which was held in the Mandiri Auditorium. This event featured Krishna Chandra, the Chief Information Officer of PrivyID and an expert of digital signature as the main speaker.

PrivyID is a company that provides legally binding digital autograph services. PrivyID is under the supervision of the Financial Services Authority of Indonesia (OJK), hence the safety of the client’s data is secure.

Moderated by Janitra Haryanto, this event was started with a discussion on the definition of authenticity and the roles of an autograph. According to Krishna, a data can be considered authentic if there are no manipulations at all. read more