Yogyakarta, 16 May 2019–The Career Development Center (CDC) of Fisipol UGM held another session of career preparation class. This session was centred on the issue of pursuing a career in the academic path. The speakers of this session were Prasakti Ramadhana Fahadi, better known as Dana, a research assistant at YouSure Fisipol, as well as Mohammad Zaki Arrobi, a lecturer at the Department of Sociology UGM. Swiss-Belboutique Yogyakarta was the venue of this event.
At the beginning, Dana, an alumnus of Monash University, faced numerous challenges. Previously, he aspired to study in the London School of Economics and Political Science and New York University. After earning his bachelor’s degree from the Department of Communication Studies of UGM, he took Media Studies as a major for his master’s degree.