

Career Preparation Class: Preparing Education as Early as Possible

Yogyakarta, 16 May 2019–The Career Development Center (CDC) of Fisipol UGM held another session of career preparation class. This session was centred on the issue of pursuing a career in the academic path. The speakers of this session were Prasakti Ramadhana Fahadi, better known as Dana, a research assistant at YouSure Fisipol, as well as Mohammad Zaki Arrobi, a lecturer at the Department of Sociology UGM. Swiss-Belboutique Yogyakarta was the venue of this event.

At the beginning, Dana, an alumnus of Monash University, faced numerous challenges. Previously, he aspired to study in the London School of Economics and Political Science and New York University. After earning his bachelor’s degree from the Department of Communication Studies of UGM, he took Media Studies as a major for his master’s degree. read more

First Impression: The Key to Success for an MC

Yogyakarta, 10 May 2019–The Career Development Center (CDC) of the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (Fisipol) UGM held a training entitled “How to be a great MC” in the BA building of Fisipol UGM. Cici Priskila, a well-known MC and a radio broadcaster at Swaragama FM, was the instructor in this training. This program was participated by students from various departments of Fisipol.

At the beginning of the training, the participants were assigned to practice their public speaking skills by presenting a chosen topic. Afterwards, Cici introduced herself and provided an evaluation for the participants. “Nervousness is actually a good thing, since it means that our subconsciousness is trying to deliver the best of ourselves,” she stated. read more

Yunizar Adiputera: Advocating World Peace Without Nuclear Weapons

Yogyakarta, 10 May 2019–Several days ago, Indonesia was proud to serve as the President of United Nations Security Council (UNSC) meeting. This meeting, which took place in New York, was led by Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi, and batik was the dress code of this meeting.

Next to the room where the UNSC meeting was taking place, another meeting was held to prepare a draft recommendation the 2020 Review Conference concerning the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT). Yunizar Adiputera, a lecturer from the Department of International Relations, was one of the representatives that participated in this conference that was held from the 29th of April until the 10th of May 2019. read more

The High Rate of Mortality and Sickness of the 2019 General Election Workers as an Extraordinary Occurrence

Yogyakarta, 8 May 2019–Fisipol UGM held a press conference to publish a research project regarding the high rate of mortality and sickness of the 2019 General Election workers. This research project is interdisciplinary, as it involves Fisipol UGM, the Faculty of Medicine, Public Health and Nursing (FKKMK) UGM and the Faculty of Psychology UGM.

The press conference, which took place at Digilib Café, was attended by 21 media outlets. Erwan Agus Purwanto, the Dean of Fisipol UGM, stated that the high rate of death and sickness of the 2019 General Election workers can be classified as an extraordinary occurrence in order to prevent such phenomenon from occurring again in the future. read more

RDF Run: Let’s Prepare Our Physical Resilience for Ramadan!

Yogyakarta, 2 May 2019—In welcoming Ramadan, the Islamic Community of Fisipol (JMF) coordinated with other student clubs to organize the Ramadan in Fisipol (RDF) event. This event was opened by a 1.6 km run on Thursday (2/5) afternoon.

Erwan Agus Purwanto, the Dean of Fisipol UGM, delivered an opening speech at the Sansiro square, which has been decorated with Ramadan-related decorations. “Besides running to prepare our physical resilience for the upcoming Ramadan, we also need to prepare ourselves psychologically,” as stated by Erwan. This year’s RDF is entitled “YUSUF”, with the tagline of “Let’s further synergize our togetherness in Fisipol”. read more

Fisipol UGM Inaugurates Soprema 2019

Yogyakarta, 2 Mei 2019–The Indonesian Young Sociopreneurs (Soprema) event was inaugurated once more this year. This event, which is organized by the Youth Studies Centre of Fisipol UGM (YouSure), has been held annually since 2016. The press conference event of Soprema was held on Thursday (2/5) at the second floor of the BB building.

Hempri Suyatna, the Director of Soprema, stated that this year’s edition reflects the strong commitment of Fisipol and YouSure to create new sociopreneurs. This year’s Soprema aims to have participants from 34 provinces, exceeding last year’s Soprema, which was attended by participants that hailed from 31 provinces. read more

CfDS Research Press Conference: The Rising Trend of Industry 4.0-Related Majors in Universities

Yogyakarta, 2 May 2019 – Several new industry 4.0-related majors were popular during the Joint Entrance Selection of State Universities (SBMPTN) 2018. Majors such as Digital Business and Actuarial Sciences were among them.

This finding is one of the research outputs of the Centre for Digital Society’s Digital Intelligence Lab. The readiness of universities and talks about higher education institutions were the main topics of this event.

“We predict that the growth of these new majors, which greatly correlates with the demands of the industry 4.0, will continue in the next few years,” as stated by Treviliana Eka Putri, the manager of the Digital Intelligence Lab. read more

MAP Corner May Day: Flexible Workforce System and How to Respond

Yogyakarta, 30 April 2019 – “External factors, such as foreign investments, strengthen the notion of statist developmentalism, thus rendering the workforce sector in Indonesia to be more flexible,” as stated by Ari Hernawan, Professor of Labour Issues in Universitas Gadjah Mada during the May Day session of MAP Corner in the Fisipol UGM Unit II building.

He started the discussion by explaining several regulations regarding the workforce sector in Indonesia, such as Rule Number 13 2003 that was enacted to improve investments in Indonesia and the Indonesian economy as a whole. The state has an obligation to become a neutral third party that bridges the labourers and the business owners. read more

Negative Tweets Drastically Increases After the 2019 General Election

Yogyakarta, 29 April 2019—The Research Centre for Politics and Government (Polgov) of the Department of Politics and Government UGM held another press conference on the 2019 General Election. The featured data were obtained through a cooperation between the Big Data Analytics Laboratory and TIFA Foundation.

Taking place in Digilib Café, this was the fifth press conference that focuses on the spread of negative issues through Twitter. The research, which took place from the 12th until the 22nd of April 2019, has managed to find 15,486 negative tweets that attacked both presidential candidates, as well as the General Elections Commission. read more

China as a ‘Unique’ State

Yogyakarta, 26 April 2019–The Institute of International Studies (IIS) UGM held another session of the “Beyond the Great Wall” discussion. This discussion featured two main speakers.

The first speaker, Randy Wirasta Nandyatama, discussed the topic of general elections in China. Previously, Randy stated that this discussion was held due to the growing concerns towards China within the International Relations academic community.

“China itself does not want to be simply viewed as a communist and repressive state with no respect towards human rights,” he conveyed. Discussing about China is not enough without discussing the spontaneous and sporadic reforms that have occurred. “The reforms in China are highly advanced, such as the reformation of the economic system. From previously a state that adopts a communist system, China has transitioned to a more liberal system,” Randy explained. read more