

Maintaining The Spirit of Togetherness of Christmas at Fisipol UGM

Yogyakarta, 10 January 2019 – The Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (Fisipol) UGM celebrated Christmas and New Year’s Eve on Monday (10/1) at the West Hall of Fisipol UGM. This event was themed “The Wisdom of Jesus Christ For Us,” and was attended by the faculty members of Fisipol UGM.

This event was started with the lighting of candles, led by the Dean of Fisipol UGM, Dr.Erwan Agus Purwanto,M.Si, and was proceeded by an opening speech by the Head of the Committee. “With the spirit of Christmas, our unity must always be preserved,” as stated by Silverius Djuni Prihatin as the head of this year’s Christmas and New Year’s Eve celebration committee. read more

Research Dissemination: The Development of Islamic Heritage Tourism in Yogyakarta

Yogyakarta, 6 December 2018—ASEAN Studies Center (ASC) of Fisipol UGM held a research dissemination session entitled “From Indonesia To ASEAN: Lesson Learned From The Field” on Thursday (6/12/2018). Located in the Eastern Seminar Room of Fisipol UGM, this session was moderated by Harits Dwi Wiratma, an International Relations lecturer from Universitas Respati Yogyakarta. One of the researches that was presented was entitled ‘The Initiation of The Development of Islamic Heritage Tourism in The Special Region of Yogyakarta’ by Dra. Siti Daulah Khoiriati. This presentation was started with a video, one of the final outputs of this research. read more

Seeing The Harmony of The SDGs With The Localization of Development in Indonesia

Yogyakarta, 6 December 2018–ASEAN Studies Center (ASC) of Fisipol UGM held a research dissemination session entitled “From Indonesia To ASEAN: Lesson Learned From The Field” on Thursday (6/12) in the Eastern Seminar Room of Fisipol UGM.

Besides research presentation, this dissemination session at the end of 2018 also held a book presentation session entitled “Localizing SDGs: Assessing Indonesia’ s Compliance toward Global Goals.”

This presentation session was presented by Karina Larasati Bhumiriyanto, a researcher at ASC and also the co-author of Localizing SDGs: Assessing Indonesia’ s Compliance toward Global Goals. This book was written by Dafri Agussalim and partners, a lecturer at the Department of International Relations. This session was moderated by Harits Dwi Wiratma, an International Relations lecturer from Univeristas Respati Yogyakarta. read more

An Innovative Startup Company Was Founded by Three FISIPOL UGM Students to Develop The Spirit of Competitiveness

Students as agents of social change should have a competitive spirit and manifest it through academic or non-academic means. However, having a competitive spirit is not enough, as students should also be sensitive to their surroundings and able to identify social problems comprehensively. Founding a startup company that focuses on solving social problems shows an improvement in the mindset of the students.

‘Lomba Mahasiswa’ is a startup company founded by three students from the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (FISIPOL) Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM); Muhammad Rilo Nugroho, Adhika Trisliantama and Fathin Difa Robbani. This startup company was founded to synergize the two aspects mentioned earlier. Lomba Mahasiswa held the Srawung Mahasiswa #1 (Student Gathering #1) Talkshow in the Digilib Cafe of Fisipol UGM on the 30th of November, from 3.30 p.m. until 5.30 p.m.. This talk show invited three speakers, in which all were individuals that are active in the field of startup companies. The guest speakers were Marizal Fanani from the Faculty of Agricultural Technology of UGM Batch 2015, Kintansari Adhyna Putri from the Department of Public Policy and Management of FISIPOL UGM Batch 2017 and Muhammad Rilo Nugroho from the Department of Politics and Government of FISIPOL UGM Batch 2017. read more

Post Reformation, 13,524 Non-Violent Actions Have Been Conducted to Resolve Social Conflicts in Indonesia

Yogyakarta, 26th of November 2018—13,524 non-violent actions have been conducted in resolving social conflicts in Indonesia after the reformation. This shows that non-violent actions are essential in voicing the interests and problems within the Indonesian society. Within two decades after the reformation, Indonesia has experienced numerous dynamics in the process of democratic consolidation. This includes in the increase in the number of communal violence, vigilantism, intolerance, industrial and agrarian conflicts, hate spins and other forms of violence that may threaten the process of democratic consolidation of Indonesia. This matter motivated Diah Kusumaningrum, Novi Kurnia, Ayu Diah Rahmawati and associates to conduct a research project entitled ‘Nonviolence as Key to Democratic Consolidation in Indonesia’. In accordance to the title, the researchers emphasized non-violent elements and actions as important instruments in the process of democratic consolidation in Indonesia. “The structure of democracy should be equipped by civil cultures that are based on non-violent values in order for democracy to thrive,” as stated by Ayu Diasti as a representative of the research team. She stated that democracy is not about the absence of conflict, but on how actors within democracy can solve conflicts with non-violent methods. read more

Tens of Research Projects Were Presented in Fisipol Research Days 2018

Yogyakarta, 26 November 2018— The Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (Fisipol) UGM held a research grant event once more.

This event was held from the 26th of November until the 28th of November 2018. At this year’s event, there were at least 63 research projects that were presented, which were conducted by both lecturers and students. This event was held in the Eastern Seminar Room on the second session on Monday (26/11). There were four research projects that were presented in front of Fisipol students. read more

Soprema was Sucessfully Ended with “The Culture of Nusantara”

Yogyakarta, 14 November 2018- Soprema 2018 was officially ended during the Awarding Night and the Closing Ceremony. The event, which was entitled “The Culture of Nusantara”, was held in the Auditorium on the 4th floor of FISIPOL UGM on Wednesday (14/11) evening. Gede Jamur (Bali) managed to finish at the first place in the Start Up category, which was followed by 21 Points Group (East Borneo) in the second place and Sudut Lombok (West Nusa Tenggara) in the third place. From the Kick-Off category, NARAY (Special Region of Yogyakarta) emerged victorious in the first place, followed by Kepul (North Sumatra) in the second place and followed by Tani Jiwo (Central Java) in the third place.  Both categories also produced three commendation awardees. For the Start Up Category, Design for Dream (Special Region of Yogyakarta) received the first commendation award, followed by Arum Dwi Nastiti (Central Java) and Zairi/Kelas Entrepreneur (Bengkulu) that received second and third commendation awards respectively. Meanwhile from the Kick-Off category, FLOS (Central Java) won the first commendation award, while Tun Jang Coffee (Bengkulu) and SAHKALI (Banten) snatched the second and third commendation awards respectively. read more

Ideas as the Main Driving Forces in The Creative Economy Industry

With the grand topic of “Creative Economy in Indonesia”, the International Relations Student Corps of UGM (KOMAHI) held the Yogyakarta Youth Strategic Forum (YYSF) 2018 as one of the events in HIPHORIA (16/11).

This seminar invited two main speakers, with Mukti R. Setianto, the Director of Trade, Commodity and Intellectual Property Rights of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs as a moderator.

Ardantya Syahreza, the Branding Marketing Consultant at IDCreativeBrand, started the seminar by stressing the importance of creativity in the creative economy industry. “If all of the items in the market are the same, the price will be the most determining factor,” he stated. read more

60 Semifinalists of Soprema 2018 Competed To Reach The Final Round

Yogyakarta- the 60 semifinalists of Soprema 2018 competition from the startup category (for companies aged 1-3 years) and the kick-off category (for companies that are under 1-year-old) presented their business ideas in front of the judges on Tuesday (13/11) morning. Various social businesses, ranging from culinary until technology, have presented their ideas well through various forms of appealing and creative presentations.  The semifinalists will compete in order to proceed to the final round that will be held on Wednesday (14/11) on Fisipol UGM. The presentations were held from 8 a.m. until 12 p.m. in Fisipol UGM. read more

Soprema 2018 Was Officially Opened

On Monday (12/11) morning, the Dean of the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Erwan Agus Purwanto, officially opened the Soprema 2018 event. The opening ceremony was attended by several invitees and was enlivened by Not Biru, a music band that has contributed in community empowerment, particularly to the disabled community through social inclusivity campaigns by music.

This press conference was also attended by Hempri Suyatna as the Chairman of Soprema 2018, M. Najib Azca as the Director of the Youth Studies Centre (YouSure) UGM and M. Sigit Yudanto as the representative of the Yogyakarta branch of BRI. Erwan stated that Soprema was held by Fisipol UGM as an implementation of the notion of UGM as a sociopreneur campus. “Fisipol has created an ecosystem that prepares and facilitates students to face the challenges of the 4.0 era though various schemes,” as Erwan stated. In accordance to Erwan, M. Najib Azca also stated that “Through Soprema, the social dimension of entrepreneurship can be highlighted. Therefore, Fisipol UGM has a major role in this event.” read more