

Haris Izmee: Technology Has and Will Always Exists, It Is Up to Us on How to Utilize It

Yogyakarta, 6 November 2018-CfDS UGM invited Haris Izmee, the President of Microsoft Indonesia, to the CfDS CEOTalk event that discussed issues surrounding Microsoft and cybersecurity (6/11).

“Every year, Microsoft spends billions of dollars to conduct research in the sphere of cybersecurity,” Haris stated. Besides research, another effort that Microsoft took to protect its customers is by investing in large sums, in which 5 of them are located in Asia.

Indonesia itself is a country with the third highest risk of malware attacks. Therefore, the issue of cybersecurity is an issue that deserves special attention. read more

Maximize The Potential of Demographic Dividend For Economic Growth

Yogyakarta, 5 November 2018-The phase of demographic dividend that Indonesia currently experience may deliver benefits and threats. It requires efforts to maximize the potentials so that the demographic dividend can trigger a significant economic growth. The discussion surrounding efforts to take advantage of the demographic dividend was discussed in the public lecture entitled “Demographic Dividend and Human Development: How Prepared Are We?”. This public lecture was held by the Department of Sociology and the Department of Social Development and Welfare on Monday (5/11/2018). This public lecture took place in the Mandiri Auditorium on the 4th floor of Fisipol UGM and invited Pungkas Bahjuri Ali, the Director of the Health and Public Nutrition Division in the National Development Planning Agency (BAPPENAS). read more

Utilizing Big Data in Social Research: UP3M Sharing Session With Mahmud Syaltout

The Unit of Research, Publication and Public Service (UP3M) of FISIPOL UGM held a discussion concerning the use of Big Data (31/10). This discussion narrated several social phenomena that occurred due to the use of Big Data; such as echo chambers, filter bubbles and the thickening of ideologies. These big data-related phenomena, according to Arya, signify the urgency of social researches using big data in understanding more social-political phenomena in the modern society.

In this discussion, UP3M invited Dr. Mahmud Syaltout, S.H., DEA, the Head Analyst of ANP-INSIGHT and a Lecturer in the Paramadina Graduate School as a speaker. His experiences in ANP-INSIGHT, a provider of information, analyses and business strategies based on data, made Mahmud a renowned figure in the realm of big data processing and has served in several major companies and governmental institutions in Indonesia. read more

On the 63rd Dies Natalis, Fisipol UGM Held a Humanitarian Fundraising Event for The Victims of Palu-Donggala Earthquake

FisipRun, which is routinely held every Friday, had a different atmosphere. As a part of the 63rd Dies Natalis of Fisipol, this edition of FisipRun was held as a charity run entitled  ”FisipRun Dies Natalis: Solidarity for Humanity Palu-Donggala”, which was aimed to help earthquake victims in Palu and Donggala. The series of natural disasters that has struck Indonesia recently, from Lombok to Palu and Donggala triggered Fisipol UGM to held such charity run on Friday (12/10) in the front yard of the BB Building Fisipol UGM from 3 p.m. until 5 p.m.. The event, which was held under a cooperation with Disaster Response Unit (DERU) and the Sport Forum of Fisipol (FOF), was attended by approximately 200 participants. In this charity run, the total distance was 4 kilometres. read more

KPU Enhances The Political Literacy of Students

The General Election Commission of Indonesia (KPU RI) held an anti-hoax, anti-discriminatory politics and anti-money politics event with Fisipol UGM. The discussion was entitled ‘Elections in the Digital Era: Opportunities and Challenges’ and was aimed towards students of Fisipol UGM (20/10).

Arif Budiman as the Chairman of KPU RI was present as the Keynote Speaker; Dahnil Anzar Simanjuntak as the Coordinating Spokesperson of the Prabowo Subianto – Sandiaga Uno National Campaign Team; and Aria Bima as the Director of the Joko Widodo and Ma’ruf Amin National Campaign Team also attended as guest speakers. read more

Criticizing the Process of Social Development in Indonesia in Order to Achieve The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

One essential reference in the formulation of development policies in Indonesia is the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Fisipol UGM is trying to answer the process of achieving SDGs and what must be fixed in the process of social development in Indonesia through a national seminar entitled “Strengthening Social Development to Achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)” on (23/10).

“Common sense knowledge appears as a knowledge that is gathered from the senses and then considered as a truth,” stated by Susetiawan, Lecturer at the Department of Social Development and Welfare in the 63rd Dies of Fisipol UGM speech. read more

D’Milk Juara Shared the Inspiring Story of a Young Sociopreneur

Welcoming the main event of Young Sociopreneurs (Soprema) UGM 2018, Soprema Talks (Birema) were held with the title ‘Young Sociopreneurs: The Creations and Innovations of the Nation’s Youths’ on Thursday (18/10).

Afif Daffa Lana Utta, the founder of D’milk Juara, stated that the percentage of milk consumption in Indonesia can be considered as low. “We are far behind the Netherlands, England and even Malaysia. Whereas, milks contain positive effects and are suitable for diet programs,” he stated. In regard to diet, D’milk’s milks contain 5 grams of sugar, far under the allowed minimum level. Thus, this is D’Milk Juara’s social business opportunity. read more

Omni-Channel in Digital Journalism: Sharing Session and Campus Hiring with Narasi TV

Yogyakarta, 2 October 2018 – Narasi TV, as a newcomer in the world of digital journalism, is increasingly being visited and talked about by netizens. However, what differentiates channels such as Narasi TV with other digital information sites or conventional TV channels all along? This particular question was discussed in ‘Sharing Session & Campus Hiring Narasi TV’ on the 2nd of October 2018, which was held under a cooperation between Fisipol UGM and Narasi TV. The event, which took place in the Eastern Seminar Room of Fisipol UGM, was started with a presentation of the materials by the four speakers, which were Dahlia Citra Buana as the Chief Creative Officer of Narasi TV, Pandu Dirgantara as the Head of Production Services Narasi TV, Zidny Kadir as the Head of Research & Development Narasi TV and Lisa Lindawati S.IP., M.A. as Lecturer at the Department of Communications Fisipol UGM. read more

Bekraf: Creating The Startup Ecosystem For Indonesia

Yogyakarta, 2 October 2018- The Auditorium on the 4th floor of the BB Building was already filled with participants since 1 p.m.. Participants, which hailed from various institutions or faculties, attended the Bekraf Pitching & Talkshow event. This event was held by the Creative Economy Agency (Bekraf) Indonesia that collaborated with Fisipol Creative Hub within the Bekraf Road Show Goes to Campus program. This roadshow was planned to be held in 7 big cities in Indonesia, including Yogyakarta. While waiting for the opening of the event, the committee showed videos showing winners of startup competitions from various countries. read more

Reflection on Indonesian Politics After 20 Years of Reformation in The PCD International Journal Workshop

Yogyakarta, 27 September 2018- Prof. Cornelis Lay, Lecturer at the Department of Politics and Government FISIPOL UGM stated that within 20 years after the reformation, a great reduction in terms of how we understand democracy occurred. Democracy in Indonesia is often understood to revolve only around ‘elections’. Therefore, this matter brings tremendous consequences, in which this topic was discussed in one of the sessions in the international workshop that was held by the Power, Conflict and Democracy (PCD) Journal, under the management of the Department of Politics and Government FISIPOL UGM. The international workshop, which was entitled “Reflection on 20 Years ‘Reformasi’ in Indonesia”, lasted for three days from the 26th to the 28th of September 2018 in Prime Plaza Hotel Yogyakarta. The agenda of the international workshop was held for two days, from the 26th to the 27th of September 2018, while the board meeting of the PCD Journal took place on the 28th of December 2018. An opening speech was brought by Dr. Erwan Agus Purwanto, M.Si as the Dean of the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences UGM. In this opportunity, Dr. Erwan Agus Purwanto congratulated PCD (Power, Conflict, and Democracy) Journal for being the first international journal in FISIPOL. read more