Yogyakarta, June 25th 2020 – Career Development Center (CDC) Fisipol UGM held a webinar called ‘How to Impress HR Person and Win a Recruitment Process’ on Thursday (25/6). In this occasion, CDC cooperated with Nusa Talent, a platform where it could bring together the applicants and the companies who needed them. CDC presented Emmanuella Reika, the Senior Partnership and Event Specialist of Nusa Talent, as the speaker. It was moderated by Alfira, as the Capacity Development Officer of CDC Fisipol UGM. This discussion lasted from 01.00 p.m. to 03.00 p.m. on Google Meet with 63 audience.
Reika began the discussion by explaining about four points that the applicants must have. The first point was value, where each individuals has their own value that could be showed during the recruitment process. The next was need or the difference need between each individuals. The third was plan or what plan do you have in your career. The last was expectations or what you expected from the company. Those four points, according to Reika, could be attached in the curriculum vitae (CV), resume, and also cover letter. Reika also explained about what components that should be listed in the CV. Such as contacts, privacy information, educational background, job experience, and etc.
After that, Reika informed that the HR person of a company would check on the applicants social media. Because of that, personal branding on the social media was needed, so that the HR could have a good impression. The tips from Reika were make a LinkedIn account, pay attention about your post on the social media, and represent yourself professionally.
As a person who involved in the world of job recruitment, Reika revealed the facts and mistakes in a recruitment process. One of them was many of the applicants use an email address that did not reflect the professional attitude. That mistake could be a bad consideration for the HR. The other fact, there were only 35% candidates who applied on the right position. The other was the applicants attached a photo that was not professional in the CV. About the interview process, Reika emphasized on the body language. “Adjust your clothes with the company image, also dig up about company-related information just like when we PDKT,” Reika said. Another tips from her was practice before the interview. “Practice the interview techniques, to minimize the possibility of stamming,” she said.
In the end of the webinar, the audience were asked to simulate the interview process. Some of the audience did a short interview process with Reika, then it was corrected immediately by Reika and she gave more tips. The audience also got a permission to ask about the recruitment process, and it answered by Reika until the end of the webinar session.