Yogyakarta, 15 January 2025–Fisipol once again held an offline Christmas celebration event at Selasar Barat on January 8, 2025. This event was held at the same time to welcome the turn of the year at the same time. This year’s Christmas celebration was titled “Born to Serve the Justice and Peace of His Love”. This theme is carried to realize the justice and peace of Christ through actualization in real action, especially in favour of those who are marginalized and vulnerable. The justice referred to here not only refers to marginalized groups but also protects His creation, which is often neglected.
The event was held with several events attended by deans, lecturers, teaching staff, and students. “The events include opening prayers, remarks (by the Dean of Fisipol and the Chair of the Christmas Committee), lighting Christmas candles by the Pastor, Dean, Lecturer Representatives, Tendik Representatives, and Student Representatives. Furthermore, it was followed by the delivery of Christmas reflections by Pdt. Kristi from GKJ Gondokusuman. Then, the event was also enlivened by performances by KMK Fisipol students and the Gaspol Band. In addition, there was also a Christmas door prize distribution event,” said Pinurba, Chairman of the Christmas Committee.
In a speech by the Dean of the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences UGM, Dr. Wawan Mas’udi, also inserted a message in this year’s Christmas celebration. This Christmas celebration is a space for tolerance between religious communities and a medium for conveying messages between religious communities in addressing social justice issues in Indonesia today.
Entering the peak of the event, Pdt. Kristi presented a reflection on the momentum of Christmas by interpreting it as full of marginalization. Pdt. Kristi recalled how the Savior was born in the midst of marginalized conditions, namely in a sheep pen, which implies the meaning of simplicity by witnessing His birth for the first time by shepherds who were also marginalized groups in Palestine at that time. Thus, the Savior also mandated His people to always empathize with those who are marginalized.
Then, the series of events was also continued by several performances, both from lecturers and students. From lecturers, for example, the event was filled with the appearance of the Gaspol Band, which consists of lecturers from various departments collectively contributing songs to enliven the event, followed by the appearance of students who are gathered in the Keluarga Mahasiswa Katolik (KMK) Fisipol UGM. There was also a door prize distribution session that the committee had prepared for the guests who attended.
This event supports Sustainable Development Goal 3 (Good Health and Well-being), and Goal 10 (Reduced Inequalities).