The discussion was held through the Google Meet platform on 10 am. A couple minutes before the discussion starts, the moderator explained the rules of the discussion, especially concerning the use of mute feature and screen sharing while the discussion is conducted. The discussion starts with an explanation of CSR in Covid-19 management from the perspective of companies.
The Covid-19 prevention implementation both in PT Pembangkitan Jawa-Bali or PT Pupuk East Borneo was conducted with a couple basis. In PT PJB, there were two bases that were used, which are The Director’s Formal Letter about Covid-19 prevention anticipation in the company’s environment which was adopted as a guide for internal department, and PJB Directors decree to guide the implementation of social and environmental responsibility as an external guidance. As for PT Pupuk, the company used the rule of law, such as WHO’s guidance, Indonesia’s President Directive, and State Owned Enterprise Minister decree, as the basis for the management and prevention of Covid-19.
PT PJB conducted two kinds of program for the prevention of Covid-19 which are the continual program and the fast response program. The fast response program took the form of giving aids consisting of protective equipment for the health care system, basic needs package, hand sanitizer, and cloth mask for the society. PT PJB also give aids all across Indonesia. There are 14 points of aid receiver which spreads from Aceh to East Borneo.
The continual program done by PT PJB takes the form of an empowerment program. This program is divided into two, Pijar Berdaya Program and Kelor Village program. In order to fulfill the aim of “continuity”, these programs are designed to have impacts on multiple sector, starting from the economic, social, environment and even the welfare sector.
The Pijar Berdaya program is conducted in three villages in Gresik consisting of five activities; the opening of IRT economy through Plant Bank, cooperation with local health care system to create a Covid-19 task force consisting of housewives to educate the community, cooperating with housewives that works as tailors to create 5.000 masks for the community, and creating portable sinks in some public facilities and houses. The Kelor Village program was held in Paiton.
Similar to PT PJB, PT Pupuk Kaltim also conducted several programs both as a continual or fast response program, and for both the internal or external part of the company. As for the internal side, PT Pupuk Kaltim created a Covid-19 crisis center team after the Director Memo on 16 March 2020 was issued by the Human Resource Director. The crisis center team have the task to handle all things related to the management and prevention of Covid-19 in the company.
PT Pupuk Kaltim implemented seven preventive measures; the implementation of WFH, ruling that the work environment is a sterile location, disinfecting the work space and work equipment regularly, changing the employee’s work hour, changing the method of attendance by using the tapping badge, asking employees and family to not go out of town, and to close the sports and recreation facility as well as creating a special clinic for employees and their family.
From the external side, PT Pupuk Kaltim did a coordination with Bontang City government by acquiring and mapping data of high priority needs related to the prevention and management of Covid-19. PT Pupuk Kaltim also have five mid term and long term program to manage the economical and social impact of the pandemic in the society.
The discussion was continued under the topic of CSR in the prevention of Covid-19 from an academical perspective. This material was divided into two parts. The first one is about the concept of CSR and the second one is about company’s role through CSR in the Covic-19 management. CSR is not only an attempt to raise a company’s reputation. The company generally have an awareness that their business should be useful for society and they will conduct proactive measures, such as creating a special team to handle this issue in the company. Therefore, the company already have systems and programs that is created to fit the society’s need by conducting a social mapping beforehand.
The aid program created by companies for any preventive measures in the case of disasters, in this case Covid-19, should be implemented with a “developmental approach to relief” strategy. It is a strategy that puts the society in an active role on disaster management.
The type of aid given is varied. It can be in the form of physical, social, mental, emotional, and even spiritual help. Companies should also remember the fact that this pandemic will create more poverty in Indonesia. That is why reconstruction and rehabilitation program must be directed towards groups that are vulnerable towards poverty.
The discussion was closed with two sessions of question and answer which was facilitated by the moderator. The questions were sent by attendants through the comment section of Google Meet. The second session was directed towards the academic side, which was represented by Mr. Kris. The discussion ended on 12 am. The recording of the online discussion will be posted in the SDW Department Youtube channel and the material will also be shared in the description section of the post.