Yogyakarta, October 29th 2021─The Institute of International Studies or IIS of the Department of International Relations (DIHU_ of UGM held its 17th Beyond the Great Wall on Friday (29/10). Beyond the Great Wall is a routine activity held by IIS HI UGM to invite researchers and academics from all walks of life to discuss issues related to China. Presenting two speakers in the discussion entitled “Contemporary China: Revival in the Gap”, Beyond the Great Wall #17 is a space for dialogue to discuss the impact of China’s rise in various aspects, both at the national level – the Chinese state itself, and globally – in particular. Indonesia.
The discussion began by looking at the impact of China’s rise at the global level, especially that felt by Indonesia, through a material entitled “Indonesia and the Rise of China” presented by Gufron Gozali, Research Assistant at the Islamic University of Indonesia, as the first speaker. Taking material taken from research results with his friends, Gufron is not limited to discussing the impact that Indonesia has felt from the rise of China. Moreover, Gufron also presents the story of the long journey that China has gone through to achieve its revival, as well as the ups and downs of bilateral relations between Indonesia and China.
In contrast to Gufron, Nadya Zafira, the student of the Department of International Relations of UGM, with the material entitled “Digital Precariats in the Period of Mutual Prosperity”, actually invited the discussion participants to see the impact of the rise of China on their own people. In this material presented by Nadya in English, Nadya ‘created’ a character named Li who became a model for the impact of the Chinese revival that was felt by the people. Through Li’s stories, Nadya showed the discussion participants the threats faced by Chinese society in the current era of digital awakening.
Despite telling two stories and different points of view, the participants still showed a balanced enthusiasm for the two speakers. Fanya Tarissa Anindita, a Publication Staff of IIS HI UGM, as the moderator guided the question-and-answer session by providing opportunities for participants who have used the raise their hand feature or write their questions in the comments column. After the selected questions had been answered by the two speakers, Fanya drew a short conclusion and conclusion from all the discussions that had been carried out before finally closing Beyond the Great Wall #17 officially.