Yogyakarta, December 7th 2023─Election Corner in collaboration with the Association for Elections and Democracy (Perludem) and PolGov has held a limited training event entitled “Training on Involving Youth Participation in the 2024 Simultaneous Elections” on December 6th to 7th 2023. The purpose of this training is to increase the understanding and capacity of students at UGM on the duties and authority of organizing elections. The training was held for 2 days and was located at Uttara The Icon Apartment, Yogyakarta.
The activity began with filling out a pre-test by participants which aims to evaluate their understanding of the 2024 simultaneous elections. Next, the event continued with a seminar with the theme “The Role of Young Voters in the 2024 Simultaneous Elections” by presenting speakers Heroik M. Pratama (PERLUDEM), Alfath Bagus Panuntun El Nur Indonesia (Lecturer of FISIPOL UGM), Ahmad Shidqi (Chairman of KPU DIY), and Mohammad Najib (Chairman of Bawaslu DIY). Each speaker delivered material that focused on the importance of the role of youth in the 2024 simultaneous elections, followed by a question and answer session with the participants.
The training was then continued with the delivery of material by Perludem on the topic of “Democratic and Integrity Elections” and “Space for Youth Participation in the 2024 Elections”. The materials were delivered interactively, with participants engaging in group discussions on the essence of democratic and integrity elections and how youth participation can help achieve this. Each group also presented the results of their discussions to other participants and provided feedback on the discussions from other groups.
The second day focused on more technical material, including “Voting Procedures in the 2024 Election” and “Requirements to Become a KPPS Member and TPS Supervisor”. Like the previous day, participants engaged in group discussions on election violations. Each group presented the results of their discussion to the other participants with a feedback session.
Furthermore, role simulations were conducted as KPPS members, polling station supervisors, witnesses, and voters on voting day. This session was conducted interactively, acting out the situation as if it were a real voting day. The event was closed with a discussion on the Follow-up Plan for participants who are interested in registering as KPPS members and polling station supervisors.
The activity ended after participants filled out a post-test to evaluate their understanding of the 2024 simultaneous elections after attending the training. The purpose of this activity is to encourage youth participation in the 2024 simultaneous elections, especially in the role of KPPS members or polling station supervisors on the upcoming voting day.