
Informasi Umum

Beasiswa LPDP Program Double Degree/Joint Degree FISIPOL UGM 2024

LPDP berkomitmen untuk mempersiapkan pemimpin dan profesional masa depan serta mendorong inovasi demi terwujudnya Indonesia yang sejahtera, demokratis, dan berkeadilan. LPDP menyelenggarakan program beasiswa magister/doktor serta beasiswa dokter spesialis, dokter subspesialis dan Fellowship untuk putra-putri terbaik Indonesia. Program Double Degree/Joint Degree=&0=&

Penerimaan Mahasiswa Baru Pascasarjana Fisipol UGM Program Studi Doktor Semester Gasal 2024/2025

Penerimaan Mahasiswa Baru Pascasarjana Fisipol UGM Program Studi Doktor Semester Gasal periode 2024/2025 telah dibuka. Informasi, persyaratan, daya tampung dan jadwal selengkapnya dapat dilihat melalui poster yang tertera.

Doktor Sosiologi, Doktor Manajemen dan Kebijakan Publik, Doktor Pembangunan Sosial dan Kesejahteraan

Doktor Ilmu Administrasi Publik, Doktor Ilmu Komunikasi, Doktor Ilmu Politik

Penerimaan Mahasiswa Baru Pascasarjana Fisipol UGM Program Studi Magister Semester Gasal 2024/2025

Penerimaan Mahasiswa Baru Pascasarjana Fisipol UGM Program Studi Magister Semester Gasal periode 2024/2025 telah dibuka. Informasi, persyaratan, daya tampung dan jadwal selengkapnya dapat dilihat melalui poster yang tertera.

Magister Manajemen dan Kebijakan Publik, Magister Pembangunan Sosial dan Kesejahteraan, Magister Politik dan Pemerintahan, Magister Sosiologi

Magister Ilmu Administrasi Publik, Magister Ilmu Hubungan Internasional, Magister Ilmu Komunikasi

Call for Papers Hybrid Conference on Digital Complexity and Disinformation in Indo-Pacific

There is an optimistic belief that the rapid advancement of digital technologies can foster a more inclusive societal landscape. However, the reality diverges from our optimistic expectations. Digital technology also serves as a catalyst for undemocratic tendencies. This is particularly evident as political actors leverage digital technologies as primary tools to achieve their goals, often disregarding democratic values. Various social media platforms, for instance, are utilized not solely for promoting certain political ideologies but also for disseminating misinformation and disinformation. Furthermore, not all users of these digital platforms possess adequate digital literacy. Consequently, fake news and hate speech proliferate across mainstream platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and others. This proliferation has led to societal polarization and even conflict among opposing factions. read more

The Indonesian AID Scholarship (TIAS)

The Indonesian AID Scholarship (TIAS) is a grant program from the Indonesian Government that aims to support the achievement of SDGs targets, especially in the education sector. As a reflection of the spirit of the Asia-Africa Summit and South-South Cooperation, the Indonesian AID scholarship will develop the skills and expertise of future leaders from Indonesia’s partner countries. It acts as a soft diplomacy to strengthen cooperation and friendship among partner countries through the development of human resources between countries. The Indonesian AID Scholarship offers a scholarship program for associate’s, bachelor’s, professional, and master’s degrees for government officials and/or individuals who are recommended to work in the government sector under the grant policy regulations. read more

Pendaftaran Future Skills Batch 9 Kerja Sama Pijar Foundation dan Fisipol UGM

Pijar Foundation bekerja sama dengan Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Gadjah Mada, pada Semester Genap Tahun Ajaran 2023/2024 kembali menyelenggarakan program upskilling dan reskilling bagi talenta muda Indonesia bertajuk Future Skills Batch 9. Program perkuliahan yang diperuntukkan bagi mahasiswa dan masyarakat umum dari seluruh Indonesia ini akan berjalan selama satu semester dengan jumlah pertemuan setara 8-12 kali serta penugasan akhir. Dalam kegiatan ini, terdapat sertifikat yang dapat diklaim oleh peserta menjadi SKS di masing-masing perguruan tinggi. read more