
Informasi Umum

[Kemahasiswaan] CALL FOR PARTICIPANT! The 4th Mahathir Global Peace School (MGPS) at Kedah – Malaysia, 6-18 September 2015

MGPS is a joint training program between Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta – Indonesia and Perdana Global Peace Foundation – Malaysia. The program is designed to bring together young social activists, peace makers, NGOs volunteers, and postgraduate students from Southeast Asian countries and beyond who are interested in peace and conflict resolution to work together and develop their knowledge to be active peace makers. MGPS is an interactive and exciting peace training program exposing you with the dynamics of war and communal conflicts taking place in Southeast Asia and beyond. read more

[S2 HI] Perpanjangan Periode Pendaftaran S2 HI Semester Gasal 2015/2016

Tanggal Penting

  • Pembayaran biaya pendaftaran : 10 April 2015 – 5 Agustus 2015
  • Pendaftaran online dan unggah dokumen yang disyaratkan : 13 April 2015 – 6 Agustus 2015
  • Penerimaan dokumen pendaftaran syarat khusus selain yang diupload : 13 April 2015 – 7 Agustus 2015 
  • Verifikasi dokumen pendaftaran dan pelaksanaan tes substansi (apabila ada) oleh prodi : 20 April 2015 – 11 Agustus 2015
  • Pengumuman hasil seleksi : 19 Agustus 2015
  • Mulai kegiatan akademik : September 2015 
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    [IUP in IR] Open Registration 3rd Intake International Undergraduate Program in International Relations

    3rd Intake IUP in IR 

    Important Dates

    Application Period : June 20th – July 15th 2015

    Admission Test : July 25th 2015

    Result Notification : August 5th 2015

    Focus of Study

    1. International Politics
    2. Conflict and Peace Studies
    3. International Political Economy 

    Program Advantages

  • Dual degree program with Flinders University in Australia
  • Student Exchange Program to reputable universities :
    • Washington College (USA)
    • University of Glasgow (UK)
    • Malmo University (Sweden)
    • Sciences Po (France)
    • Victoria University (Australia)
    • The University of Queensland (Australia)
    • La Troube University (Australia)
    • Victoria University (Australia)
    • City University of Hong Kong (Hong Kong) 
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    Call for Papers International Conference on “ASEAN Security and Global Resilience: Initiating an Asian Multilateral Security Dialogue”

    Conference Theme:

    Discerning Risks, Threats and Challenges: Co-Creating an East Asian Security Community of Peace and Resilience


    School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Peking University Shenzhen Graduate School, Shenzhen, China


    Department of Politics, Languages and International Studies (PoLIS), University of Bath, Bath, United Kingdom

    Venue: Zijin Mountain Villa, Nanshan, Shenzhen, China

     Date: 8–9 September 2015 (Tuesday-Wednesday; 1-day conference and 1-day visit in Shenzhen)  read more

    [GEO] REGISTRATION for Social Entrepreneurship Competition (SEC) is now opened!

    SEC is a social business plan competition which requires youth from ASEAN member states and Timor Leste to adrress social problems. Here you can make your ideas happen! 20 selected teams will be attending a week exciting program of ASEAN Young Socialpreneurs Program 2015 in Yogyakarta, September 16th-20th 2015.    ASEAN Young Socialpreneurs Program (AYSPP) is a set of activities initiated by Global Engagement Office, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences Universitas Gadjah Mada, in order to provide deep understanding and support initiatives of student and youth around ASEAN countries, related to social-enterpreneurship and its role to foster ASEAN Economic Community 2015. This program consists of Social Enterpreneurship Competition (SEC), Workshop on Social Enterpreneurship, Lecture on ASEAN, Excursion to Social Enterprises, as well as Cultural Activities. Accommodation during the program will be provided for 20 selected teams. USD2500 grant will be given to the winner of SEC and USD1000 will be given to the top 3.        


    Global Engagement Office (GEO) is seeking for competent LO’s to be placed at the ASEAN Young Socialpreneurs Program 2015.

    Qualifications :
    – Fisipol student (batch 2013 – 2014)
    – Fluent in English 
    – Available to fully assist participans of the program on September 16th – 20th 2015

    [SPACE] MAGANG – INTERNSHIP at The Nature Conservancy

    The Nature Conservancy is a conservation organization working around the world to protect ecologically important lands and waters for nature and people.

    The Nature Conservancy Indonesia Program is currently offering the following internship opportunity:

    1. COMMUNICATION INTERN (Location: Jakarta Office) Reporting to the Communications Manager, the intern will:

    • Prepare communication material for events and special trips
    • Support in organizing events (environmental days, VIP trip, etc.) and meetings
    • Support media monitoring and clipping


    • Bachelor degree on, or currently studying communications or other subject
    • Interested in conservation/biodiversity/ environmental issues
    • Ability to sell ideas to a wide variety of people and groups
    • Excellent written and oral communication skills, including public-speaking skills
    • Excellent organizational and proofreading skills
    • Demonstrated experience in MS Office, Word, and Excel. Familiarity with Page maker, Adobe Photoshop or related program for media artwork
    • Ability to organize time and manage diverse activities. Meet deadlines.

    2. PUBLICATION INTERN (Location: Jakarta Office) Reporting to the Publication Manager, the intern will: read more


    Sehubungan dengan adanya kunjungan study tour dari University of Auckland Selandia baru pada tanggal 20-26 Juni 2015, maka dibutuhkan satu orang mahasiswa sebagai perwakilan dari FISIPOL untuk mendampingi kegiatan tersebut. Adapun syarat dan ketentuannya adalah sebagai berikut:

  • Terdaftar sebagai mahasiswa aktif prodi S-1 2014/2015 semua jurusan
  • Memiliki kemampuan bahasa Inggris dengan baik / komunikatif (lisan & tulisan)
  • Memiliki pegalaman kegiatan extra kulikuler atau kegiatan kemahasiswaan d luar negeri 
  • Tidak sedang mengikuti ujian akhir saat kegiatan dilaksanakan
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    [MKP] OPEN RECRUITMENT : Tenaga Pengajar Tidak Tetap Jurusan Manajemen dan Kebijakan Publik

    Jurusan Manajemen dan Kebijakan Publik Fisipol UGM membutuhkan tenaga pengajar tidak tetap dengan ruang lingkup tugas memberikan dukungan kepada Jurusan dalam proses penyelenggaraan perkuliahan dan membantu unit riset Jurusan sebagai tenaga peneliti dengan kualifikasi sebagai berikut : 

  • Warga Negara Indonesia
  • Berpendidikan minimal S2
  • Usia maksimal 30 tahun (bagi yang bergelar S2) dan 40 tahun (bagi yang bergelar S3) pada tanggal 30 April 2015
  • Latar belakang pendidikan adalah di bidang administrasi negara/administrasi publik baik S1, S2, S3 maupun ketiganya) dari universitas dalam/luar negeri yang bereputasi
  • Memiliki IPK rata-rata minimal 3,6 untuk pendidikan pascasarjana, dan IPK minimal 3,5 untuk pendidikan S1, dari skala 0 sampai dengan 4
  • Memiliki score TOEFL ITP minimal 550 , atau IELTS paling rendah 6.5 atau ACEPT UGM minimal 209
  • Memiliki pengalaman riset dan pengalaman asistensi kegiatan pengajaran yang ditunjukkan dengan bukti sertifikat dan/atau surat keterangan dari lembaga terkait
  • Dokumen-dokumen lain yang relevan 
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