Persyaratan Umum:
1. Memiliki latarbelakang pendidikan akuntasi minimal SMK atau D3
2. Menguasai Aplikasi komputer seperti internet dan Ms. Excel terutama untuk pengelolaan data keuangan
3. Menguasai surat menyurat dan pekerjaan administrasi
4. Memiliki kemampuan pelaporan keuangan yang baik
5. Mampu bekerja teliti, memiliki inisiatif, rajin dan kemampuan komunikasi yang baik
6. Mampu bekerjasama dengan tim
7. Mampu bekerja di bawah tekanan
Informasi Umum
IUP in PPM has every advantage students can expect for building a bright career as it offers curriculum which is locally embedded and globally connected. The courses will be delivered by distinguished professors with strong academic and professional background, able to bridge theoretical perspectives and real world necessities.
This is the first program in public policy and management accredited by AUN (ASEAN University Network) and DAAD-DIES (German Academic Exchange Service) in Indonesia. The accreditation reaffirms the quality of education we are providing, not only in Indonesia but also in ASEAN and European standards.
Scholarship for “Improving the Governance of Extractive Industries” training are available!
As part of the Asia Pacific Knowledge Hub program, the Department of Politics and Government in collaboration with the Natural Resource Governance Institute (NRGI) will conduct a training course on “Improving the Governance of Extractive Industries”. The training will be held from October 19 – 31, 2015 at the Faculty of Social and Political Science. Expert facilitators and resource persons will lead discussions on five topics in extractive industry governance: (1) socio-environmental impacts, (2) revenue management, (3) tax, royalty, and contract terms, (4) coalition for reforms and (5) expanding disclosure requirements of EITI. The course, delivered in English, is open to civil society organizations, policymakers, members of EITI multi-stakeholder groups and EITI secretariat. Employees of the oil, gas and mining companies, government officials, state-owned enterprise staff, and professionals involved in oil, gas and mining sectors in the Asia Pacific region are invited as observers in this training. We offer competitive scholarships for participants coming from CSOs, journalists, non-profit think tanks and academia from the following countries: Philippines, Myanmar, Vietnam, Timor Leste and Indonesia. Attendance cost, inclusive of accommodation, food and tuition is US$2,000. For more information, please contact Ms. Dian Lestariningsih, Asia Pacific Hub Manager at
The Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) was established on 1 January 2011.The “Forest and Climate Change (FOR-CC)” Project is part of the ASEAN-German Programme on Response to Climate Change (GAP-CC), implemented by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) in close cooperation with the ASEAN Secretariat (ASEC).
The project supports ASEAN to improve its cooperation and common position on climate change related key topics in the forestry and agriculture sector. Major activities in the project include the support and coordination of the ASEAN Climate Resilience Network (ASEAN-CRN) and the promotion of climate smart agricultural practices in ASEAN member states.
Terbuka untuk kamu : mahasiswa S1 Universitas Gadjah Mada yang berasal dari FISIPOL, FEB, F. MIPA, dan F. Teknik dan memenuhi persyaratan sebagai berikut:
Bank Indonesia memberikan kesempatan beasiswa kepada 40 orang mahasiswa UGM. Adapun persyaratan adalah sebagai berikut :
Hipwee membuka kesempatan magang bagi mahasiswa semua jurusan untuk menjadi bagian dari Tim Redaksional periode Juni – Agustus 2015.
Frankfurt Zoological Society Indonesia (FZS Indonesia) adalah organisasi nirlaba yang bergerak di bidang konservasi satwa liar yaitu orangutan dan gajah. Kegiatannya berada di Lanskap Bukit Tigapuluh, Jambi. Saat ini FZS Indonesia melakukan program mitigasi Konflik Manusia – Gajah (KMG). Salah satu metode mitigasinya adalah menggunakan Early Warning System/Sistem Peringatan Dini yang ditujukan ke masyarakat (petani) agar bersiaga untuk menghalau gajah (yang dipantau dengan dipasang GPS Collar) agar tidak masuk kebun masyarakat tanpa menyakiti satwa tersebut.
Humanitarian supply chain management (SCM) is defined by the IFRC as ‘acquiring and delivering requested supplies and services at the places and times they are needed, whilst ensuring best value for money; in the immediate aftermath of any [type of] disaster or reconstruction situation, including items that are vital for survival, such as food, water, temporary shelter and medicine’. Humanitarian Logistics is part and parcel of the wider humanitarian SCM. Recent research has shown a need for multi-dimensional understanding of humanitarian SCM. Both from a technical perspective (logistics, information gathering, warehousing, pre-positioning, transportation, distribution) as well as from a strategic perspective (decision making, co-ordination, inter-organisational co-operation, public-private partnerships, contribution to long-term recovery through knowledge transfer) conceptualisation and field-sustained research has been conducted for the benefit of producing deeper knowledge of global humanitarian SCM. With an estimated 22 billion USD spent in 2013 on humanitarian aid (GHA report 2014; calculations based on both public as well as private spending) in response to natural disasters and complex emergencies one can easily see the need for professional and efficient humanitarian SCM, which is involved in 80% of all relief activities.
About UGM-Osaka University RESPECT Satellite Office
Established in March 2013, UGM-Osaka University RESPECT Satellite Office is a collaborative project, hosted by the Institute of International Studies (IIS) of the Department of International Relations, Faculty of Social and Political Science, Universitas Gadjah Mada, that aims to support the development of Disaster Resilient Community in Indonesia. IIS partners with BPBD Yogyakarta (Regional Disaster Management Agency) in engaging communities and institutionalizing as well as mainstreaming disaster management.