Undergraduate Program Admission
The admission options available for the Undergraduate Programs within The Faculty of Social and Political Sciences:
1. National Selection for State Universities Admission (SNMPTN)
SNMPTN is an admission system which evaluate applicants’ performance throughout their schools, both academic and other achievements that are relevant to the destination program.
2. Joint Selection of Public College Entrance (SBMPTN)
SBMPTN is an admission system based on the written examination conducted nationally. Most of the registration fee is covered by the registrants. Further information related to SBMPTN can be accessed through http://www.sbmptn.or.id
3. Students Excellence Retrieval for Undergraduate Program
This is an admission system based on the student’s academic and non-academic performance. It aims to give opportunities for the high school and vocational school graduates to enroll in the selection by choosing two undergraduate study programs. The selection conducted by UGM namely:
- Students Excellence Retrieval for The Economy Incapability (PBUTM)
PBUTM concerns towards the students with high academic performance but they are incapable financially. The students are exempted from tuition fee for 8 semesters which is covered by UGM, if they meet the specified and evaluated performance each year.
- Students Excellence Retrieval for The Outstanding Student (PBUB)
PBUB is aimed for the students with high academic performance and supported with the achievements in science and technology.
- Students Excellence Retrieval in Sports and Arts (PBOS)
PBOS is aimed to the students who obtain or become finalist of the championships either sports or arts at provincial, national or international level.
- Students Excellence Retrieval of The Partnerships (PBUK)
PBUK is aimed to the regional youths who highly committed to the regional development and have been proposed also funded by Regional Government, government institution and or the company through partnership program by showing the partnership agreement note.
4. Written Examination (UTUL) UM UGM
This is an admission system which uses written examination method conducted by UGM. This method provides opportunities to the high school or vocational school graduates to enroll in the selection by choosing 3 undergraduate study programs.
5. International Program Selection (International Undergraduate Program)
This is an admission system for the new students from high school/vocational school/A-level/Pre-University who are eager to continue their study in the International Programs at UGM
For the provisioning mechanism, registration and schedule requirements can be checked on the official new student admission page http://um.ugm.ac.id.