Executive Director of Apindo, Danang Girindrawardana, explained that the absorption of university graduates in the world of work is still very low, only around 11 percent. Therefore, drastic changes are needed for the pattern of absorption of undergraduates people so that there is no spike in educated unemployment. Danang said that one of the concerns of the business world was to support the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia and to support the Independent Learning Campus Independent Program (MBKM) program of the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia. In this case, Apindo wants a more formal and systematic internship process.
“In the internship process with Apindo, it can be extended for up to six months, so the duration of the internship ranges from three to six months.”
This internship program in collaboration with Apindo will open opportunities for 2000-2800 students from various faculties at UGM. Based on information from Danang, the students will be placed in 13 business sectors that are ready to accept Apindo and UGM. The thirteen sectors consist of research, public policy, law, and advocacy; automotive sector; the food and beverage industry sector; agricultural industry sector, agricultural product processing, and agricultural technology; cement sector; and the logistics sector. Then, there is also the e-commerce sector, the property sector, the industrial estate sector, the information technology sector, the tourist area sector, the banking industry sector, and the tax service sector.
Danang also explained that there will be two certificates for students before carrying out the internship. First, a general lecture certificate about industry and investment in general. Second, students will receive professional lectures from various CEOs. They hope that students will also get tips to become professionals in the business world. According to Danang, these two certifications will prepare students’ mental and skills.
The deans welcomed the initiation of the internship program in collaboration between Apindo and UGM. The Dean of Fisipol UGM, Wawan Mas’udi, was grateful for Apindo’s initiation in opening internship opportunities for students. The Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences of UGM, Professor Kuwat Triyana, provided input on the need for generic courses to prepare students before joining the internship program. “Hopefully this internship program can provide students with as much experience as possible so that they are ready for the world of work,” said the Dean of the Faculty of Psychology o UGM, Rahmat Hidayat.