Yogyakarta, June 5th 2020 – Career Development Center (CDC) FISIPOL held a webinar titled ‘Australia Awards Scholarship Sharing ‘ on Friday (5/6). The speaker of this session was Matahari Farransahat, the lecturer of Department of Social Development and Welfare FISIPOL UGM and also the awardee of Australia Awards scholarship. This event was moderated by Alfira Nurarifia Handitasari as the Capacity Development Officer of CDC. The webinar was held through Google Meet and lasted for two hours from 01.00 p.m. to 03.00 p.m.
The webinar was begun by introducing the Australia Awards scholarship generally to the audiences. Then it continued with sharing about the experiences and also the tips and tricks to get the scholarship. Farransahat explained how the candidates should qualify themselves before applying. The candidates should understand about the criterias that wanted by the scholarship provider, so the candidates could have a bigger opportunity. IELTS score also needed to apply for this scholarship, as a proof that you could understand and speak in English. Farransahat also explained about the good CV drafting and commensurate with the scholarship.
The next recommendation Farran gave was getting to know the profile of the Australia Awards Scholarship provider, so that you could know what qualifications that they were looking for. Before applying, we should carefully examine our applications, to minimize mistakes both in orders of the applications and the grammar. Self confidence is needed when you apply for the scholarship and you should be confidence that you could get through until the interview stage.
Farransahat who was also the alumnus of University of Adelaide showed a video about the Adelaide city, the place where he studied. He also told the stories about his daily lives as a student in Australia, how he was looking for halal foods, to the recreational activities that we can do in Australia. Farransahat that when he studied also brought his little family also talked about the experience of his son in school, his wife gave birth, to how he rented a car and house in Adelaide, Australia.
The webinar was closed with a question and answer session. Various questions from the scholarship applications to the life of the students in the Kangaroo country were asked and answered until the session was ended. In the future, CDC would continue to hold another webinar sessions that are no less interesting than before.