Yogyakarta, December 4th 2020—Sociopreneur Muda Indonesia or Soprema 2020 held a virtual Awarding Night to close the series of events that have been held so far. It was aired on FISIPOL UGM official YouTube channel. This awarding night also became an event to announce the winners of competition, incubation, pitching, and company profile competition. It was moderated by two presenters, the event was carried out by implementing strict health protocols.
The event was opened with the song Indonesia Raya and an introductory video of Soprema. Not to forget, the two presenters also briefly explained Soprema and the series of events that have been held so far. At the beginning, welcoming videos from various parties were shown. In his welcoming speech, the Chief of Soprema, Dr. Hempri Suyatna, S.Sos., M.Si., said that the works of the participants must not stop here. This work of innovation and creativity must continue to be developed.
In line with what Dr. Hempri said, the Director of the Youth Studies Center or YouSure Fisipol UGM, M. Najib Azca, Ph.D., said that the five years after Soprema show that young people do not give up easily. Even in this pandemic, the young people are still showing their creativity. This creativity is used to be a solution for the social problems around them.
Not only that, the Dean of FISIPOL UGM, Prof. Dr. Erwan Agus Purwanto, M.Sc., the Rector of UGM, Prof. Ir. Panut Mulyono, M.Eng., D.Eng., and even The Ministry of Youths and Sports of Republic of Indonesia, Dr. H. Zainuddin Amali, M.Sc., also gave his welcoming speeches via video in the Awarding Night of 2020.
Before entering the main activity, such as the announcement of the winners, the two presenters explained the competitions held by Soprema. To make it clearer, the two presenters also briefly explained some of the programs carried out by the participants. As an introduction to the core activities, the UKJGS student activity unit presented dances.
The first category that was announced was the video company profile championship. As the PIC Expo of Soprema, Magdalena Putri, also became the nominee reader for this category. After reading out the nominations for the video company profile category, Magdalena then announced the second and first place winners. The announcement for this category was closed with the first winner video.
Next is the announcement of the ten selected participants for the incubation and pitching categories. This announcement was read in turn by Dr. H. M. Asrorun Ni’am, S.Ag., Deputy II of the Ministry of Youth and Sports and the Dean of the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences of UGM, Prof. Dr. Erwan Agus Purwanto, M.Si.
The core activity was closed with the announcement of the winner of the kick-off and start-up categories. Both of these categories have six finalists, with the achievements of first, second, third and best speaker. For the kick-off category itself, the nominations and winners were announced by Rezaldi Alief Pramadha, S.E., M.S.S., PIC of Competition of Lecturers. Meanwhile, for the start-up category, the nominations and winners were announced by Pratikno, chairman of the MWA of UGM. Each winner also gave their speeches video which was displayed to close the category announcement.
After announcing the quiz for the audience at home, the event continued with the screening of video messages for young sociopreneurs and messages from representatives of the participants. The event was officially ended with a performance from the Fisipol Music Forum—which at the beginning of the event performed the song Grenade—with the song Location Unknown. The Awarding Night of Soprema 2020 can be watched on the FISIPOL UGMM YouTube channel.