Yogyakarta, 10 September 2019—Fisipol, especially the Department of Public Policy and Management, has an important responsibility of contributing to the development of the tourism sector in Indonesia. This issue was the main idea of Drs. Bambang Sunaryo, SU., M.Sc.’s retirement seminar. Bambang recently ended his tenure as a lecturer in the Department of Public Policy and Management of UGM.
In his retirement seminar that was held last Tuesday in the Eastern Seminar Room of Fisipol, he conveyed the importance of public policy formulation in the tourism sector, especially in selecting key destinations. Proper public policies can bring not only sustainable economic growth, but also a multiplier effect that can reduce inequality for the local community.
“The development of the tourism sector, especially in key destinations, cannot be done separately. Policy formulation in the tourism sector should be synchronized with policy formulation in the other sectors, holistic and involves other actors in other sectors in order to bridge the differing ideas”, he stated.
Two colleges of Bambang Sunaryo; Prof. Ir. Wiendu Nuryanti, M.Arch., Ph.D. (lecturer at the Department of Architecture of UGM) and Ike Janita Dewi, SE., MBA., Ph.D. (lecturer at the Master of Management programme of UGM), also presented their materials. Both are practitioners in the tourism sector with different sets of expertise.
Prof. Wiendu, an expert on cultural tourism, stated that the tourism sector is the motor of the national economic development. Furthermore, Indonesia is a state that is blessed with cultural diversity and the hospitality of its people. These aspects can be the “soul” of Indonesia’s tourism sector.
Meanwhile, Ike, an expert on economics, stressed the importance of marketing in the tourism sector. According to her, the promotional activities conducted by Indonesia are already massive, reflected in the “Wonderful Indonesia” tourism slogan. Indonesia has one of Asia’s best tourism brandings.
Afterwards, the seminar was proceeded with a question-and-answer session, which took around 30 minutes. Several of the questions focused to the “pentahelix” concept of tourism. Meanwhile, several other questions discussed the concept of sustainable development in the tourism sector that will benefit the local community.
Later on, the organizers gave Bambang a souvenir as a token of gratitude for his service in Fisipol. This event was ended with a group photo session within the speakers and several guests, such as Prof. Dr. Erwan Agus Purwanto, and other colleagues of Bambang.