Yogyakarta, October 15th 2021─At the end of last September, the lecturers of the Department of Communication Science of UGM published a digital book entitled “The Universe of Contemporary Communication: Fields, Research, and Reality” in order to welcome the 66th Anniversary of the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences of UGM. In order to explore the writings in the book, which can be downloaded for free until last September 25, the Department of Communication Science of UGM also held a book review activity on Friday (15/10). Guided directly by one of the editors of the book “The Universe of Contemporary Communication: The Realm, Research, and Reality”, Lidwina Mutia Sadasri, S.I.P, M.A. This book review event presented four lecturers of the Department of Communication Science of UGM as writers to explain the topics raised in each paper.
The four lecturers of the Department of Communication Sciences of UGM who became the speakers at this book review event also represented three focus studies in the study of communication science in UGM, namely advertising, entertainment media (entertainment), and public relations. Meanwhile, to focus on the study of journalism, Mutia said that the discussion about the writings in the book “The Universe of Contemporary Communication: The Realm, Research, and Reality” will be presented in the form of a podcast.
After opening the event, Mutia gave questions to the speakers regarding the general description of the topics discussed in their respective writings, also related to the relevance of these writings to the development of communication science, especially the approach used in UGM. Budi Irawanto, M.A., Ph.D.; Irham Nur Ansari, S.I.P., M.A.; Nyarwi Ahmad, S.I.P., M.Sc., Ph.D.; and Dr. Widodo Agus Setianto, M.Sc., as the author and resource person in this book review event, took turns answering questions from Mutia.
Not only that, the book review event which was broadcast on the Youtube channel of the Department of Communication Science of UGM also invited Dr. Eni Maryani, Dra., M.Sc., from the Faculty of Communication Sciences, Padjadjaran University, to provide reviews and responses to the writings in the book “Jagat Komunikasi Kontemporer” presented by the speakers. Participants who also have comments or questions for the four speakers are allowed to submit them through the comments column, which is then read by Mutia in the question and answer session, after the discussion session from Eni. With a few conclusions and reminders about podcasts, Mutia invites all parties who are the participants of the Zoom Meeting room to close the event with a group photo session. A rerun of the book review event “The Universe of Contemporary Communication: The Realm, Research, and Reality” can be watched on the YouTube channel of the Department of Communication Science of UGM.