

Three Students of FISIPOL UGM Share Their Impressions and Messages as TIAS Awardees 2024

Yogyakarta, October 26th 2024─A number of students of Faculty of Social and Political Sciences UGM who received The Indonesian AID Scholarship (TIAS) funded by the Indonesian government shared their impressions and messages regarding this program. Each awardee expressed their gratitude and enthusiasm in studying at the Faculty through the TIAS program. This program is in line with the 4th Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) on Quality Education.

Matilda Dora, a student from Solomon Islands who is pursuing her Master’s degree in International Relations at Faculty of Social and Political Sciences UGM, felt very grateful for the opportunity offered by the TIAS program. “It is an honor for me to receive the TIAS scholarship to continue my master’s studies at one of the best universities in Indonesia,” said Dora. She is looking forward to an exciting academic experience and enjoying the rich cultural diversity of Yogyakarta’s multicultural society. read more

Pushing the Narrative that Netizens are Also Citizens, Fisipol UGM’s Institute of International Studies Opens Massive Online Open Courses

Yogyakarta, 24th of October 2024—Fisipol UGM’s Institute of International Studies (IIS) held a seminar and Massive Online Open Courses Launching Program titled “Netizens are also Citizens: Rallying Digital Activism”. This event, which was held on Thursday (24/10) at Fisipol UGM’s Auditorium, is a part of cooperation between IIS and the British Council. Summer Xia, as Country Director of Indonesia South East Asia Cluster Lead British Council, appreciated the cooperation and hoped that this class could push digital activism as a way to push better social transformation. Luqman Nul Hakim, S.I.P., M.A., Ph.D., as both a lecturer at UGM’s Department of International Relations and the director of IIS, also hoped that with the launch of the programs, it can be a part of a legacy of knowledge. “Thank you to all the researchers and teams involved in sharing their experience and knowledge for free,” mentioned him. Having the same hope, Wawan Mas’udi, S.IP., M.P.A., Ph.D., then officially launched the Netizens are also Citizens class in FOCUS UGM.   read more

Discussing Exclusion Condition in Indonesia, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences of UGM Holds Dissemination of GEDSI Analysis Research

Yogyakarta, October 22nd 2024─The Social Inclusion and Democratic Citizenship Study Team of the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences of UGM held a dissemination event entitled “Reading Social Inclusion from the Regions”. The event, which was held in a hybrid manner on Tuesday (22/10), was attended by various communities and groups who have great attention to issues of social inclusion.

The event discussed two researches that have been conducted since 2020. One of the two research discussed in this event took the title “Darma, Not Derma: Inclusion as a Citizenship Project” which analyzes the GEDSI situation in six cities/districts, namely Banda Aceh and Bireuen (Aceh), Makassar and Maros (South Sulawesi), also Bantul and Yogyakarta (D.I. Yogyakarta). read more

Encouraging Social Entrepreneurs, Fisipol UGM’s Creative Hub Holds Final Talent Pitching Batch 8

Yogyakarta, 22th of October 2024—In order to close the Social Batch 8 of the Business Incubation Program, Fisipol UGM’s Creative Hub organized the Demo Day & Final Talent Pitching Batch. This event was held with an aim to push and encourage social entrepreneurs to develop business ideas. As a learning ecosystem that brings together various disciplines, Fisipol UGM’s Creative Hub made an effort to further elaborate and sharpen creative ideas that can improve society’s quality of life. With a strategic and business-oriented approach, creative ideas from talents not only work as a business but also solve existing social problems.  read more

Fisipol Collaborates with Inklusi and Local Communities to Hold “Pasar Sepaham”, a Reflection of Inclusive Society

Yogyakarta, 21th of October 2024—Fisipol UGM, together with Inklusi and various local communities, held the Pasar Sepaham event on Monday (21/10).  This event was held at Fisipol’s Selasar Barat & Sansiro Park from 10.00 -17.00 WIB. Pasar Sepaham offered various forms of activities, ranging from talk shows, exhibitions, workshops, bazaars, art performances, and so on.

Putu Alit, as the Creative Team of Pasar Sepaham mentioned that this event aims to provide safe spaces for individuals and communities from diverse backgrounds to interact and share stories together on the issue of inclusion. Not only that, Putu also said that Pasar Sepaham also became a medium for visitors to build solidarity and encourage issues about inclusion. “We hope that Pasar Sepaham can facilitate processes that raise awareness across generations and groups, so that socially and politically marginalized groups can be recognized for their rights as human beings,” added Putu. read more

FISIPOL UGM Receives 18 Foreign Students as TIAS Scholarship Recipients

Yogyakarta, 21 October 2024─The Faculty of Social and Political Sciences Universitas Gadjah Mada (Fisipol UGM) received three representatives of foreign students receiving The Indonesian AID Scholarship (TIAS) 2024 on Monday (21/10) in Room BB 208 Fisipol UGM. Poppy Sulistyaning Winanti, Vice Dean for Academic and Student Affairs, attended the event. “Fisipol UGM welcomes awardees from partner countries. We are committed to ensuring awardees receive academic and non-academic support during their studies here,” Poppy said when welcoming them.  read more

The 2024 Pasar SepaHAM Promotes Attention to Sexual and Reproductive Health Rights through Cervical Cancer Screening Services

Yogyakarta, 21 October 2024─The Pasar SepaHAM (Selalu Peduli akan HAM/ Always Concerned about Human Rights) 2024 event held a cervical cancer screening service that was open to the public. This screening is a collaboration between the Fisipol Wellness Center and the Indonesian Family Planning Association Yogyakarta Special Region (PKBI DIY) team. 

Under the theme of the Pasar SepaHAM event, this screening is a manifestation of supporting sexual and reproductive health rights. This cervical cancer screening uses the IVA (Visual Inspection of Acetate) method, which is recommended especially for women who are sexually active. For women who do the IVA test, they are required to fulfil the requirements, including not having sexual intercourse for a maximum of 1×24 hours, not menstruating, and not being in a period of pregnancy. The results of this screening can be used as referral material to local health facilities for further observation.  read more

Closing the Mental Health Society 2024 Series, CDC Fisipol UGM Holds Exhibition on Failure

Yogyakarta, October 21st 2024─In order to close the Mental Health Society 2024, CDC Fisipol UGM held an exhibition entitled Fail-A-Bration in the West Hall of Fisipol UGM on October 24-25, 2024. The exhibition aims to provide a platform for students to reflect on their experiences with failure, encouraging a more positive and constructive view towards setbacks in life.

The main purpose of the Fail-A-Bration Exhibition is to provide a space for students to look at failure from a new perspective. It is hoped that students can view failure as an integral part of the learning and achievement process, not something to be avoided or feared. According to Valenidha Sulafi, Project Officer of Mental Health Society 2024, the theme “failure” was chosen specifically to inspire students to be more accepting of ups and downs in life. read more

Creating a Safe Space for Speaking Up, CDC FISIPOL UGM Holds Tea Time With Peer Counselors

Yogyakarta, 18th of October 2024—Fisipol UGM’s CDC held a story-sharing event called “Spill the Tea! #2: Tea Time with Peer Counselor CDC”. This event became the second tea-sipping session with CDC’s Peer Counselor, after the last one was held in 2023. Spill the Tea! #2 became one of the various series of events done in Fisipol Mental Health Society 2024. The activity, which was packaged in the form of semi-group counseling, was held in Fisipol’s Selasar Barat. Each group consisted of 5 to 6 students and each group had their own peer-counselor from Fisipol’s CDC. Alongside sharing stories and expressing themselves, students are also encouraged to brew and make their own tea in the afternoon, creating a suitable and comfortable atmosphere for everyone to enjoy. read more

CDC Fisipol Thoroughly Explores the Work Ethics and Violence Prevention for Student Internships

Yogyakarta, October 17th 2024─Opportunities for students to do an internship or work either part-time or full-time are now increasingly wide open. Many offers are given both by companies and the Ministry of Research and Technology, especially through the MBKM program which facilitates students to learn in the work environment directly. Responding to this phenomenon, Career Development Center (CDC) Fisipol UGM held another Internship Preparation Series with the theme “Work Ethics and Violence Prevention: Meaning and Implementation”. read more