

Fisipol 3 Minute Thesis: The Art of Showcasing Ideas

Yogyakarta, June 11th 2021━In an effort to support innovation and creation in the field of research, the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (Fisipol) of UGM held a 3 Minute Thesis The Art of Showcasing Ideas Competition. This competition is specifically for Fisipol UGM students and is divided into two categories: undergraduate and postgraduate. On this occasion, the event was held online at 02.00 p.m. to 04.00 p.m. and was attended by 10 finalists who were divided into two categories. In addition to the participants, this competition was also attended by 5 judges from the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences of UGM, and attended by spectators who also enlivened the event. read more

Learn More about Start-Up Life in the First Edition of ‘Get Closer to PSdK’

=&0=&The first episode of Get Closer to PSdK was held on Thursday (10/6). On this occasion, Get Closer to PSdK invited Novia Nurist Naini, S.Sos., as an alumni of the 2014 of the PSdK undergraduate program who is currently working as CEO of DNVB Indonesia. Moderated by Nandya Widyasari, S.Sos., Nurist shared a lot about her career journey so that DNVB could be where it is now.So far, the graduates from the Department of Social Development and Welfare have always worked as community development officers or government employees after completing their studies. In fact, there are also many graduates of the Department of PSdK who work in the other fields. With diverse job backgrounds, the Media Team of the Department of PSdK also held a sharing session with the alumni through Instagram Live. It is hoped that this sharing session called ‘Get Closer to PSdK’ can be an inspiration for all PSdK students.

DNVB was born after Nurist managed to identify the definition of success for her. From this definition, Nurist finds that the only way to achieve this success is to become an entrepreneur. However, Nurist;s journey has not always been smooth. She and her initial team failed repeatedly while executing their first business plan, until the opportunity to set up DNVB was unexpectedly born. Seeing the opportunity from this opportunity, Nurist and her team finally tried to execute the DNVB initial plan better. From there, DNVB was formed. read more

The Importance of Maintaining Digital Security to Prevent OGBV

Yogyakarta, June 10th 2021━Fisipol Crisis Center (FCC) held a Webinar Series #2 titled as ‘Alerta OBGV: Smart Ways to Maintain Privacy in the Digital Space’ on Thursday (10/6). The speakers in this event were Sri Handayani Nasution (Project Officer of CfDS UGM) and Ellen Kusuma (Digital At-Risks of SAFEnet). This event was held on Zoom from 01.00 p.m. to 03.00 p.m.

Online Gender Based Violence (OGBV) is violence that occurs on the basis of gender power relations between victims and perpetrators in the online spaces or using digital technology as a medium, not limited to those transmitted via the internet. OGBV is an extension of gender-based violence in physical spaces and often the two violences occur simultaneously. read more

Teaching from The Heart: 38 Years of Mr. Prapto’s Devotion

=&0=&Thirty eight years is not a short amount of time in someone’s life journey. After 38 years of being a lecturer in the Fisipol UGM Sociology Department, last Wednesday Drs. Soeprapto, SU officially retired. The farewell party was titled Drs. Soeprapto, S.U Retirement Event “Teaching from the Heart: 38 Years of Mr.Prapto’s Devotion” that was held in Fisipol UGM and was live streamed through Zoom and YouTube. Many people attended the event, starting from Fisipol UGM Sociology Department teachers, family, and other guests who are close with Soeprapto. 

The opening speech was delivered by Dr. Suharko, M.Si. as the Head of the Sociology Department from 2021 to 2026. Suharko talked about his impressions of Soeprapto as a lecturer that is always available and ready to contribute in all kinds of community work. A speech was also delivered by Dr. Wawan Mas’udi as Fisipol UGM Dean that talked about the numerous knowledge and inspirations given by Soeprapto to Fisipol UGM. Wawan also talked about his experience as Soeprapto’s student who was given the choice to choose the final exam method. Soeprapto himself is known to exempt students from taking the final test if they can submit an additional task. “Through that method, it can be seen that Pak Prapto have put into motion the independent learning method  for a long time, meanwhile the MBKM program has just been implemented recently. It’s a great innovation to let the students choose,” Wawan said. read more

Understanding Intercultural Competence with GEO Fisipol and Konstanz University

=&0=&The Global Engagement Office (GEO) of Fisipol UGM in collaboration with Konstanz University, Germany, held a public lecture titled as Intercultural Competence and Competencies: What you need in order to be successful when working abroad. This agenda was held online on Friday (4/6) afternoon for UGM students and alumni. The lecturer that presented on this occasion was Peter Franklin from Hochschule Konstanz University of Applied Science.

In his session, Peter Franklin conveyed the intricacies of working abroad. According to Franklin, cultural complexity is one of the things that needs to be considered when we want to work in a place with different rules. Things such as norms, practices, and behavior must be considered so that we can cooperate in working abroad. We also need to pay attention to the foreign language skills we have, so that we can easily be dynamic when working. Responding to the many things that must be mastered, Franklin stated, “Working abroad is very challenging.” read more

The Importance of Financial Planning by Sandwich Generation

Yogyakarta, June 4th 2021━Social Entrepreneurship of UGM together with held a class entitled “Why is it Difficult for the Sandwich Generation to Buy property?” on Friday (4/6). The speaker at this event was Shierly, S.E., MBA., CFP, as the Financial Planner of Finansialku. The event took place on the YouTube channel of at 02.00 p.m. to 03.30 p.m.

Sandwich generation is a generation of adults who are squeezed and have to bear the financial burden of a generation of parents and children (Dorothy Miller, 1981). The term sandwich generation is used to refer to the people who not only bear their own lives, but also bear the life of the generations below them and or above them. read more

Not an Ordinary Man: An Extraordinary Conversation between FISIPOL Crisis Center and LPPM Sintesa

Yogyakarta, June 4th 2021━In order to carry out activities in the field of education and socialization related to sexual violence, the FISIPOL Crisis Center held the second FCC Talk in collaboration with LPPM Sintesa on Friday (4/6). Titled as “Not an Ordinary Man: Toxic Masculinity and the Role of Men in Creating Safe Spaces on Campus”, this second FCC Talk was hosted by three speakers, they were Puspa and Yosep from the Education and Socialization Division of the FISIPOL Crisis Center, and Arum from the Division of Internal Development of LPPM Sintesa. read more

Dikom of UGM Practitioner Lecture: Exploring the Dynamics of Literary Journalism at Tempo

Yogyakarta, June 3rd 2021━Department of Communication Science (Dikom) of UGM held a practitioner lecture of the Literary Journalism course titled as Telling Stories in the Digital Age: Peeking from the Perspective of Literary Journalism (03/06). This practitioner lecture invited Qaris Tajudin, the Director of Tempo Institute, as the speaker and was attended by the students who specialize in Journalism.

Tempo is a media pioneer in the practice of literary journalism in Indonesia. At the beginning in 1971, the workers at Tempo were generally artists or writers. Tempo is also only produced weekly, so they accentuate the entertainment aspect of the news and put the speed aside. Literary journalism also becomes a solution to criticize the government which we can’t do directly. read more

Social Development Talks: A Peek to Indonesia’s Social Security Program

Yogyakarta, May 31st 2021━The Department of Social Development and Welfare (PSdK) FISIPOL UGM held another SoDeT (Social Development Talks) webinar on Monday (31/5) morning. On this occasion, the topic is “A Peek to Indonesia’s Social Security Program” with Muttaqien MPH., AAK., as the Vice Head in the National Social Security Council General Policy Commission. The event was held through a Zoom meeting on 10.00-12.00 WIB and was moderated by Kafa Abdallah Kafaa, S.Sos., M.A., a lecturer in PSdK FISIPOL UGM.  read more

To Anticipate A Rising Covid-19 Case after The Eid Holiday, Fisipol UGM Held a Mass GeNose C19 Test

Yogyakarta, May 17th 2021━The Faculty of Social and Political Science (Fisipol) UGM through the Wellness Center (WLC) facility held a mass GeNose C19 test for all Fisipol UGM education staff on the first day after the Eid holiday. The Covid-19 screening that is done simply through exhaling will be held for two days which spans from 17th to 18th May 2021 in the West Wing of Fisipol UGM.

The Head of Finance Administration of Fisipol UGM, Uling Sumbogo, said that the GeNose C19 test is aimed to detect and prevent the Covid-19 spread among 110 Fisipol UGM Education staff. In one day, around 50 people will be tested through three sessions from 08.00 a.m. to 13.00 pm. “The schedule for this test is adjusted with people who are currently working from their office, but there are some who need to adjust because this test will only be held for two days,” said Uling. read more