

Gadjah Mada University Released Regulations on Academic Activities Amidst Covid-19

Yogyakarta, June 3rd 2020 –Since the end to Covid-19 is nowhere in sight, Gadjah Mada University (UGM) released some regulations on academic activities for four semesters. This regulation covers the topic of university activity, university access and services, student activity, as well as some regulation for new students. UGM’s regulation is divided to three phases; The Emergency Response Phase, The Recovery Phase, and the New Normal Phase.

The Emergency Response Phase will be conducted throughout the second semester of the 2019/2020 school year as well as the first semester of the 2020/2021 school year. Until July 2020, access to the university will be restricted and all academic activities are held online, including practicums. All services, student’s activity, and social work will be held online. This ban does not apply to health services. Other than to prevent the spread of Covid-19, remote online learning is meant to strengthen UGM’s vision to become a digital campus. read more

Discussing Eid in the Midst of Pandemic in OPOSiT #3

Yogyakarta, May 27th 2020—Center for Digital Society (CfDS) in Gadjah Mada University’s (UGM) Faculty of Social and Political Science is back with the third series of a discussion about the digital world called OPOSiT. In this OPOSiT, CfDS took the theme of Eid in the midst of a pandemic. It specifically discusses about the virtual eid that became a widespread phenomenon. Similar to the previous OPOSiT, this third session is open for everyone who wants to tell their stories. They can do that by asking for a permission to live stream alongside CfDS on their Instagram. read more

The Webinar of Career Development Center (CDC): Tips on Making an Attractive CV

Yogyakarta, May 22nd 2020 – Career Development Center or CDC Fisipol UGM held a webinar with the topic, ‘Tips on Making an Attractive CV’. In this occasion, CDC presented Salsabi Rolyansah as the speaker, she was a Business Development Executive of Klob. This event was moderated by Alfira Nuarifia Handitasari and the event was started from 02.00 p.m. until 04.00 p.m. through Google Meets platform.

Before talking about the discussion topic, Salsabi introduced Klob, a digital platform focused on helping the users to look for a new job and develop themselves. Specifically, this platform tried to help the fresh graduates to get a job that matches with their potentials. One of the features on Klob was klob meter as the personality test kit. By using algorithms and technologies, Klob could help its users find a company that match with their skills and help them in developing themselves by using their learning content. read more

RDF 1441H Agenda Wrap Up

Yogyakarta, May 20th 2020 – Jamaah Muslim Fisipol held a series of events titled RDF (Ramadhan di Fisipol) 1441H during the month of Ramadhan. The annual event usually held in Fisipol UGM now have to be held online by JMF’s Terang Bulan Cabinet lead by Dzaki Yusuf M, a student of Politics and Governance Batch ’19. RDF 1441H started with a Grand Opening on 27 April and closed with Grand Closing RDF on May 20th 2020 through the Instagram live feature. This RDF 1441H consist of several discussions, charity event, poster competition, and podcast. read more

FISIPOL UGM’s Third Period Bachelors Program Online Graduation

Yogyakarta, May 18th 2020—UGM’s Social and Political Science Faculty (Fisipol) held the third period of graduation for Bachelors on Monday, May 18th 2020. This is the second online graduation. The first one was conducted last April. This graduation is done through Zoom and can be joined by graduates, parents/guardians, the Dean and Vice-Dean of Fisipol, as well as the department coordinators in Fisipol.

In this third period, there were 62 graduates. There are 20 graduates from the International Relations department, 5 graduates from the Communication Science department, 13 graduates from Public Policy Management department, 11 graduates from Social Developlment and Welfare department, 10 graduates from Politics and Governance Department, and 3 Sociology graduates. The highest GPA belongs to Tantri Fricilla Ginting as a graduate from the Department of IR with a 3.89 GPA. There is also the fastest graduate from the PPM department. The graduate with 3 years, 5 months, and 19 days study term name is Latika Putri Barliani. read more

CDC Career Education Livestream Session: All About Psych test

Yogyakarta, May 18th 2020—Career Development Center or CDC of Fisipol UGM is back again with a career education live stream session. This session is filled by Reni Apriliawati, M.Psi, one of CDC’s psychologist. This talk raised the topic of psycho test. Guided by Dimas Wahyudi, an internship officer as well as CDC’s social media admin, the live stream session started at 4 pm.

The topic about psycho test was raised out of Dimas’s curiosity about the reason someone is accepted or rejected based on their psycho test. Reni explained that psycho test is meant to uncover whether a potential employee’s qualities match the need of the company. Through psycho tests, companies will try to find the employee that match the most, not necessarily someone who have a higher score on the test. read more

ASEAN’s Struggle Against Covid-19 and Future Challenges

Yogyakarta, May 18th 2020—UGM’s Department of International Relation cooperated with the National University of Singapore to hold a discussion titled “Southeast Asia’s COVID-19 Battle: Current Responses and Future Outcomes” with Mustafa Izzudin as a senior professor in National University of Singapore. The discussion was guided by Treviliana Eka Putri as a professor in UGM’s Department of International Relation. The discussion about ASEAN’s response to Covid-19 and future implications was explained through an international relations perspective.“Covid-19 has changed our view about geopolitics,” Mustafa explained to open the discussion. The analysis elaborated by Mustafa was packed with several perspectives. First, through the perspective of traditional geopolitics that looks at the interaction between nations. Second, through neoclassical geopolitics that opens domestic black box. Third, through regionalism that sees how regional cooperation and coordination is important in fighting this pandemic. Fourth, from the perspective of good international citizenship in which global interest is more important than national interest. Lastly, from the perspective of global governance.

“We can see how nations are helping one another. For example, there was India that helped to give medical supplies to 15 countries including Myanmar and Philippine. There was also China that conducts ‘mask diplomacy’ by giving medical supply to countries fighting the pandemic,” Mustofa elaborated.

“In ASEAN, we have countries that have a varying economic standard, bureaucratic capacity, health care, and characteristic of citizens. In Singapore, we have a higher case compared to Indonesia. This is because our region is filled by more citizens. Hence, the possibility for the virus to spread is higher and quicker. However, by conducting aggressive mass testing and a tight physical distancing measures, the pandemic can be controlled,” Mustofa said. read more

Beyond the Great Wall #8: Traditional and Non-Traditional Chinese Security Challenges in 2020

Yogyakarta, May 15th 2020 – Beyond the Great Wall brought an issue about the strategies that done by China in facing the health and security challenges. This issue was brought because of the condition of the China that not only just facing the COVID-19 pandemic, but also the South China Sea dispute that has not ended yet. To explain these two things, Beyond the Great Wall presented Fadhil Sulaeman, Head of Research and Development of SABRI UGM, that would talk about ‘China’s Strategies in the South China Sea’. And there was Muhammad Reza, Media Analyst of the PT. Indonesia Indikator, that would explain a topic about ‘Health Insurance System in China’. This Beyond the Great Wall, which used the online method for the first time, conducted through Google Meet platform. read more

Ngabuburit Ramadhan at FISIPOL: Planning on Self-Development Through The Rules of Knowing Yourself

Yogyakarta, May 14th, 2020— Ramadan at FISIPOL (RDF) organized by the Muslim Community of FISIPOL (JMF) UGM held a discussion entitled “Individual Development Plan” with Isnan Hidayat from which talked the “The Rules of Knowing Yourself” online through WhatsApp group chat

The first rule starts with “Comparing will only be an ingratitude”. Isnan furtherly explained that if someone changes because of comparing themselves with others, external motivation will emerge, they only do something to get what others have. “It looks like our performance got better, but it risks making us trapped in feelings of hasad (envy or jealousy) that ultimately makes us never be grateful for the favours we get,” added Isnan. read more

Exploring Fisipol on #UGMUpdate Faculty Talk

Yogyakarta, May 14th 2020 – UGM Update #Dirumahaja came back through YouTube channel, Instagram, and Facebook. Moderated by Iva Ariani, the PR of UGM, this episode entitled “Faculty Talk of Faculty of Law, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, and Faculty of Philosophy”. This first episode of Faculty Talk presented three speakers from the three different faculties. They were the representatives of each faculties, Dahliana Hasan, S.H., M.Tax., Ph.D., the Vice Dean of Faculty of Law; Dr. Wawan Mas’udi, the Vice Dean of Faculty of Social and Political Sciences; and Dr. Rr. Siti Murtiningsih, the Vice Dean of Faculty of Philosophy. read more