

Daniel Dhakidae Discussion Series #3: Media, Capital, and Democracy

Yogyakarta, April 15th 2021 – Fisipol UGM held The Daniel Dhakidae’s Thought Discussion Series to commemorate one of the national figures and alumni of the Fisipol UGM, Daniel Dhakidae. This discussion series consisted of three discussions, one of them discussed about Media, Capital, and Democracy on Wednesday (14/6) at 03.30 p.m. to 05.30 p.m. on Zoom Meeting. This discussion talked about the Daniel Dhakidae’s thought about how to understand journalism and news industry by understanding the state and the capital first, as written on The State, the Rise of Capital, and the Fall of Political Journalism: Political Economy of Indonesian News Industry which achieved The Lauriston Sharp Prize from the Southeast Asian Program Cornell University. The speaker of this discussion was Kuskridho Ambardi, MA, Ph.D., as the lecturer of Fisipol UGM, Evi Mariani as the journalist, and Harry Wibowo the executive director of Jurnal Sosial dan Ekonomi Prisma. read more

FGD on the Creation of the Social Welfare Law by Committee III of the Republic of Indonesia Chamber of Representatives and The Department of Social Development and Welfare UGM

Yogyakarta, 12 April 2021 –Committee III of the Republic of Indonesia Chamber of Representatives cooperated with The Department of Social Development and Welfare UGM in conducting a Focus Group Discussion (FGD) as a part of the empirical research on the creation of the draft of the social welfare law. The draft is meant to change Law no.11 2009 on Social Welfare. The event that happened in the FISIPOL UGM East Seminar Room was attended by a few individuals; Suzzana Eddyono, as a lecturer in the Department of Social Development and Welfare UGM; Tukino, Expert on Law Drafts as well as a lecturer in Social Welfare Polytechnic Bandung; Eko Suhargono, as the Head of the Social Department in Sleman; as well as Nurhadi, The Department of Social Development and Welfare UGM. The FGD was also attended by several representatives of academic institutions as well as civil society, such as Rifka Annisa, Sanggar Anak Alam, Yakkum, UIN, UNU, IRE, Lazismu, Samin, PKBI, etc. Tukino said that Committee III of the Republic of Indonesia Chamber of Representatives as a part of the Republic of Indonesia Chamber of Representatives that have to do directly with social welfare, in 2021 initiated the creation of the Law Draft that will Replace Law No 11 2009 on Social Welfare. The event is meant to identify and analyze social welfare problems nationally or regionally through engaging in dialogues, searching for information and ideas to support the draft, as well as finding out social welfare programs done by the regional government and its effectiveness.

Tukino said that the need to change Law no.11 2009 is meant to underline the fact that protection is a part of the basic rights of citizens, keeping in mind that social welfare is a part of the national development program. He also explained that there is a mindset shift of the social welfare program from “centrist” to “participatory”. “Until now, the social welfare program is seen as a generosity from the government, when really it should be a part of the citizen’s basic rights,” he said. Other than that, in the aspect of implementation, the social welfare protection program is seen as not fully comprehensive and adaptive, so there are still several problems about the impact of the program that have not significantly solved poverty. read more

Talking About The Newly-Rich Phenomenon in The Pandemic Crisis at PoldevTalks Institute for Policy and Development UGM

=&0=&Institute for Policy and Development, a research center under the Department of Public Policy and Management, held PoldevTalks for the first time. Held on (01/04) via instagram live, the first PoldevTalks invited Yendri Ferdiansyah to discuss “How the Pandemic Crisis gave birth to The Newly-Rich?”. For Yendri himself, the terminology “The Rich” isn’t restricted only for people with a certain amount of wealth, but can also refer to individuals who succeeded to increase their wealth. It can not be denied that the COVID-19 pandemic causes a lot of negative effects to a lot of sectors, including the economic sector. The COVID-19 response policy to limit the public activity directly affecting the country’s economy. Furthermore, there are restrictions on international economic activities that worsen many countries’ economies. This condition forces the government to create policies to recover the economy, such as financial, economic, and social policies.

“One of the most influential and effective government policies for corporations and the general public is credit restructuration,” said Yendri answering a question from Rizky Dwi Lestari’s, the first ever Poldev Talks’s moderator. With the credit restructuration, corporations and the general public can delay their credit payment in this time of crisis. With this credit restructuration, corporations and the general public are helped and can minimize risk, in the middle of increasing debt and threatened income. read more

The Launching of Journal of Social Development Studies by the Department of Social Development and Welfare

Yogyakarta, March 26th 2021 – The Department of Social Development and Welfare of FISIPOL UGM held a launching of Journal of Social Development Studies on Friday (26/3). This launching event was done on Zoom and could be watched on the YouTube channel ‘PSdK FISIPOL UGM’. As a symbol of this launching, there was a cutting the tumpeng event that was done by Dr. Krisdyatmiko, S.Sos., M.Si., the Head of the Department of Social Development and Welfare. The journal launching was moderated by Kafa Abdallah Kafaa, S.Sos., M.A., an editor of JSDS and a lecturer of the Department of Social Development and Welfare. In this event there was also a discussion and Q&A session with the writers of the journal. read more

Kominfo’ Staff Mentioned about the Needs of Development and Improvement of Internet’s Infrastructure in Indonesia

=&0=&Social Development Talk (SoDeT) held a discussion titled as Transformation’s Road Map and Digital Inclusion in Indonesia on Thursday (18/3). SoDeT, which is part of the Department of Social Development and Welfare of FISIPOL (PSdK FISIPOL), held a discussion on Zoom. This discussion presented Dr. Dedy Permadi, the lecturer of the Department of International Relations of FISIPOL UGM and Special Staff of the Digital  and Human Resources Department of the Ministry of Communication and Information as the speakers. The moderator in this discussion was Zita Wahyu Larasati, S.Sos., M.A., the lecturer of PSdK FISIPOL UGM.The discussion was opened by an opening speech from Dr. Krisdyatmiko, S.Sos., M.Si., the Head of the Department of Social Development and Welfare of FISIPOL UGM. In his opening speech, Krisdyatmiko explained about SoDeT and introduced the Digital Inclusion course that recently launched. Krisdyatmiko hoped this discussion could talk about the government’s policy that focused on the digital issues in Indonesia.

Dedy explained, currently, the Indonesian government is preparing an agenda for the Acceleration of National Digital Transformation, which encourages the principle of inclusiveness in it. In his presentation, Dedy showed that there are four priority sectors that are being pushed by the government. Four of them are the internet’s infrastructures, policy of technology development, the development of human resources or digital talents, and acceleration of primary legislation and international cooperation. read more

8×3 Festival Opening: Commotion in a Quiet Room

Yogyakarta, 8 March 2021 —In order to highlight the challenge and creative subject strategy in handling the COVID-19 Pandemic, The Youth Studies Center or YouSure FISIPOL UGM held a collaborative research between scholars and creative workers. The result of the research in collaboration with the Faculty of Arts, University of Melbourne is turned into an art festival called “Festival 8×3: Commotion in a Quiet Room”. Through the Zoom Meeting platform that is also live streamed through FISIPOL UGM’s Youtube channel, the opening of this online art festival invited Dr. Oki Rahadianto Sutopo, Gregorius Ragil Wibawanto M.A., and Dr. Novi Kurnia as the researcher from YouSure FISIPOL UGM. There are also researchers from the University of Melbourne; Dr. Annisa R. Beta and Dr. Ariane Utomo. 

Before seeing the video about the result of the research, the moderator invited the researchers to talk first about the motivation behind the research. The moderators also asked what are the hopes of the researcher in conducting this collaborative research. Novi said that the idea to create a collaborative research came from the awareness that every job is affected by the pandemic. From that point, a feeling of solidarity and empathy to collaborate and create a research on the strategy of creative workers in Yogyakarta in facing the COVID-19 pandemic challenges was born. Oki as one of the researcher hoped that these kinds of collaborative research between scholars and creative workers in facing the covid-19 pandemic can be continued in the future in the form of a more productive collaboration. read more

Prepare for PKM-PSH with SRCC

=&0=&Still in the context of preparing for the closer Student Creativity Program or PKM, the Student Research and Creation Corner (SRCC) held another PKM Review and PIMNAS Winner Sharing. However, this time they discussed the PKM Humaniora or commonly known as PKM-PSH.With the concept of a casual chat between participants and the speakers, the event, which was held through the Google Meet platform, presented Maulida Afifatu Tsalitsi, Nurul Qomariyah, and M. Riza Nur Pratama, to share about the experiences they had during the PKM to PIMNAS process.

Maulida–familiarly called as Ifa–shared her experience from the beginning of organizing the proposal and reports, monitoring and evaluation, reports collection, to the preparation and the D-Day of PIMNAS. Ifa told the participants about the obstacles that she faced during those processes, starting from the tight deadline of the file collection, going through many revisions in the preparation of proposals and reports, to the conflicts with her team members.

Ifa said that teamwork is a hard thing, especially with the different activities of each member. She also admitted that during PKM preparation, especially in the normal condition (offline study), the academic process was left behind. But, Ifa emphasized that competition–including PKM and PIMNAS–can not be the reason for us to be lazy in studying. The students must actively catch up on the course materials on their own, one way is through asking friends. read more

Launching Fisipol Crisis Center: An Effort to Create a Safe Space Free From Sexual Abuse

Yogyakarta, February 3rd 2021—Fisipol Crisis Center (FCC), one of FISIPOL UGM’s service related to the handling and prevention of sexual assault on campus was released last Wednesday (3/2). The unit was made to create a safe university environment from any form of sexual assault. The FCC launch titled “Creating a safe space from sexual assault in FISIPOL UGM” invited Mustaghfiroh Rahayu, M.A as the Adhoc FCC team who is also a lecturer from the Sociology Department of UGM, as well as Budi Wulandari who ia a psychology counselor in Women Crisis Center Rifka Annisa. The event was held through Zoom Meeting and was broadcasted through FISIPOL UGM Youtube channel. read more

1,800 Participants Completed Digital Intelligence Lecture Series at Universitas Gadjah Mada

Yogyakarta, January 29th 2020 – In order to support the advancement of Indonesia’s young digital talents, the Faculty of Social and Political Science of UGM collaborated with Center for Digital Society (CfDS) and Forbil Institute proudly held a series of Digital Intelligence Lectures 2020/2021 with 1,800 participants. This program was aimed for all of the college students and general public that have an interest to work and create innovation in a disruptive era. This digital lecture series existed as an initiate from the Minister of State Secretariat, Prof. Pratikno; the Dean of FISIPOL UGM, Prof. Erwan Agus Purwanto; and Dr. Dedy Permadi as the Spokesman of the Ministry of Communication and Information Technology. With full support from the Ministry of State Secretariat, Ministry of Communication and Information Technology, and Ministry of State Owned Enterprises, this course was designed to give an understanding about the digital world to the students and to encourage critical skills in solving social problems. read more

Get to Know the Kubuku Application in the Digital Library of FISIPOL

Yogyakarta, January 28 2021 – On Tuesday (26/1) the Library of FISIPOL UGM officially launched the Kubuku application in the Digital Library (DIGILIB) of FISIPOL UGM. This application’s online launching was done together with the discussion and book review UNI EROPA Institusi, Politik, dan Kebijakan and cooperated with Komunitas Indonesia untuk Kajian Eropa (KIKE). Media Fisipol had a chance to interview Yuli Hesti Wahyuningsih, S.IP., as the Coordinator of the Library of FISIPOL about the application that is available in DIGILIB. read more