Yogyakarta, May 11st 2020—FISIPOL’s Career Development Center (CDC) held a live session titled ‘Career Education: Knowing Yourself’ on Monday (11/5). This session was presented by Dina Wahida, M.Psi – CDC’s psychologist. CDC realized the importance of knowing ourselves in the journey of our career development. Hence, CDC believes that this session is a worthwhile investment of everyone’s time. The live session was streamed through @cdcfisipolugm Instagram account at 4 pm, and it has become a routine agenda every Monday and Friday.
Dina started her presentation by talking about the definition of self knowledge. Dina believes that knowing one’s self is important before the talk about career, decision making, or aspirations begin. Self knowledge is also important to have before determining a career path, which according to some people, is an important thing to know since we are a child.
One part of the journey of self knowledge is finding our interest. Interests can be found in our everyday live, through hobbies, or the tiniest source of our happiness. For our career, Dina said that individuals can start figuring out their interest in things that are related to academics. A harmony between our career and our academic life, according to Dina, will make an individual want to keep going and not get overwhelmed easily. It all starts from knowing ourselves, which develops into exploring our interest, which finally leads to discovering the focus we want to achieve. “When we know ourselves, it will be easier to choose and take career decisions that are right for us,” she said.
CDC then opened a question and answer session in which the audience can give their questions through the comment section. The live session will come again every Sunday and Thursday. Dina also said that FISIPOL UGM students can have a counseling with CDC for free.