Yogyakarta, December 14th 2024─Celebrating the peak of the 69th Anniversary of FISIPOL UGM, the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (FISIPOL) UGM collaborated with the Alumni Family of FISIPOL UGM (Kafispolgama) to organize a reunion with the concept of “Ngangkring Akbar 2024”. This event is a gathering and gathering of alumni of FISIPOL UGM by carrying out a warm, relaxed, and familiar event concept with the theme “Pulang ke Bulaksumur Nostalgia Bareng Sedulur”. In line with the theme, Ngangkring Akbar 2024 describes the gathering of FISIPOL UGM alumni who remember the good times during college, full of togetherness, struggle, and exciting stories. In a reunion atmosphere, the alumni will return to Bulaksumur, enjoy the campus atmosphere, and share old stories with friends in arms with the values of togetherness and solidarity. Ngangkring Akbar is expected to be a momentum to strengthen the alumni network of FISIPOL UGM and also strengthen the synergy between the campus and alumni to have a real impact on society.
The Department of Sociology as the organizing committee of the 69th Anniversary initiated Ngangkring Akbar by collaborating with local MSMEs. Several angkringan, a push cart that sells a variety of foods and beverages, and the customer typically sits down in front of the seller, and bakmi businesses were involved to provide dinner for alumni and civitas who attended on Saturday, December 14, 2024 at 18.00 to 22.30 WIB. Then, various MSMEs in the food and clothing sectors also enlivened the event in the MSME bazaar. This bazaar was held in conjunction with the Ngangkring Akbar event.
In this momentum, FISIPOL UGM invites all alumni to contribute to raising scholarship funds for FISIPOL UGM students in a unique way. Funds are collected through “song auctions” from representatives of the alumni. The result of that auction will be distributed to the several underprivileged students. In addition, the event was also enlivened by the music and stand-up comedy performance from the alumni and the FISIPOL UGM community. A collection of photos from the alumni is also displayed to reminisce the campus life while enjoying dinner in the form of angkringan which is expected to foster a sense of togetherness. Finally, Ngangkring Akbar 2024 is designed to show the commitment of FISIPOL UGM in supporting the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) point 2 (No Hunger), point 4 (Quality Education, point 8 (Decent Work and Economic Growth), and point 10 (Reduced Inequality).