Yogyakarta, March 17th 2023─Responding to issues that arise ahead of the 2024 Election, the Center for Digital Society (CfDS) of FISIPOL UGM collaborated with Perludem to socialize understanding of the 2024 Election and its rumors, on the first episode of Desus series on Friday (17/3). The event, which was held online, presented Khoirunnisa Nur Agustyati (Executive Director of Perludem) as a speaker, guided by Heroik M. Pratama (Researcher of Perludem) and Iradat Wirid (Researcher of CfDS) as host.
In her discussion, Khoirunnisa argued that the 2024 and 2019 elections refer to the same legal framework, namely Law No. 7 of 2017.
“However, the fundamental difference lies in the digital transformation which makes voice recapitulation technology the most important requirement. So, there is no shift in votes because manual recapitulation takes 35 days after the election takes place,” she said.
Furthermore, counteracting disinformation on social media ahead of the 2024 Election needs to be done. Moreover, considering that the 2024 Election will be colored by new voters who are closely related to digital media.
The most important thing about the 2024 Election is the participation of voters who are able to intelligently choose information during the campaign. Namely, systematic eradication of content dissemination of information is needed, discussion forums related to de-bunking and pre-bunking, collaboration from civil society through social media, analyzing disinformation in the 2024 elections, and a clear hoax reporting system.
“The narrative that divides and tears down will be the main clue in identifying this. Identity politics becomes political mobilization to build emotional sentiment so that young voters become political commodities that are swayed toward certain candidates. Therefore, we must be able to analyze this,” Khoirunnisa explained, closing the discussion.