Yogyakarta, June 25th 2020 – Center for Digital Society (CfDS) FISIPOL UGM held a second session of Digital Marketing Learning Class in the Digital Discussion. Still brought a same topic as the first meeting—media optimization in digital marketing and its career prospects—this time the discussion focused on website. Moderated by Iradat Wirid, the project officer event and social media of CfDS, the discussion brought back Fauzi Ananta as the speaker. This discussion became the first discussion that was done by CfDS through Discord. It hoped that it could give a bigger chance to the audience to ask the speaker.
Twenty minutes before the discussion was started, the moderator who used an official Discord account of CfDS reminded the audience to join the voice channel of Digital Discussion, because the discussion was about to begin. The discussion was started at 07.00 p.m. As the opening, moderator introduced himself and gave a short explanation about this second class of Learning Digital Marketing. After introducing the speaker, moderator explained about the topic of the last Learning Digital Marketing discussion.
The explanation from the speaker was started by answering a question from the audience. The speaker began the discussion by relating a topic about website in the first session of the discussion, it was main media types in digital marketing, website was the type of owned media type. Fauzi explained that website was the main channel of a brand or a company. From there, a brand or a company began to use social media to support their communication and directing the customers to visit their website. To expand the consumer reach, a brand or a company could use the paid medias such as Google Ads, Facebook Ads, and Instagram Ads. While explaining, Fauzi also sent a picture that contained a chart about digital marketing.
Even so, Fauzi said—also answered the question from moderator—that it was not a problem if the Small-Micro Medium Enterprises (UMKM) just promoted their business through the social media only, it was not a problem for them if they did not use website. But, there were pros and cons that should be considered by them in using the website and social media in promoting their business. Promoting the businesses through social media only would be more efficient, because social media is free and website needs an extra cost. But, on the social media, not all of the informations could be written and seen in a first glance. The use of a website in promoting a business also considered as a form of credibility, and it affects the customer’s trust.
In the website management, there is a known term as search engine result pages (SERP). A website could have a strategic SERP—such as a page in Google—by optimizing the SEO or activating the Google Ads. Both SEO and Google Ads are focusing on keyword usage. Because of that, it is very important to do a research about the keyword usage of the products. The difference is, Google Ads tends to have a bidding system. It means, even though a brand or a company paid big amount of money, it did not guarantee their website to be on the first page of the search engine. There were several reasons that considered by Google Ads, such as relevancies of the advertisements and keyword, click to rate (CTR) of the website, also the landing page exercise that examined by Google itself.
During the discussion, moderator opened a question and answer session that answered immediately by the speaker. The audience showed their enthusiasm by asking the speaker. Their questions were varies, from the utilizing of digital marketing to promote their organizational activities, gimmicks in marketing, strategies for using Google Ads in an effective and efficient way, to the platforms or references that could they use to learn about email marketing. Many audience even gave more questions after their questions were answered.
The discussion was ended after Fauzi explained about the career prospects in a website management in the digital marketing and the last question and answer session. In the digital marketing field through a website, there were many more prospects than in the social media. Fauzi also mentioned the several jobs in the digital marketing field through a website, such as SEO management; the paid marketing and ads management; affiliate marketing management; and the jobs that are currently in high demand; UX, UI, and product marketing. As one of his closing statement, Fauzi said, “Digital marketing is always developing. So, do not stop learning, because there will always a new feature and a big opportunity in this field,”. The discussion was ended at 08.30 p.m.