Yogyakarta, 19 November 2019—CfDS organized another edition of Digitalk, which was held in the Mandiri Auditorium. This event featured Krishna Chandra, the Chief Information Officer of PrivyID and an expert of digital signature as the main speaker.
PrivyID is a company that provides legally binding digital autograph services. PrivyID is under the supervision of the Financial Services Authority of Indonesia (OJK), hence the safety of the client’s data is secure.
Moderated by Janitra Haryanto, this event was started with a discussion on the definition of authenticity and the roles of an autograph. According to Krishna, a data can be considered authentic if there are no manipulations at all.
“Digital autograph is the ultimate tool for verifying authenticity. A document that has an autograph in it is valid, real and undeniable. It is undeniable by the receiver of the document, nor by the sender of the document,” Krishna explained.
Krishna stated that the low public awareness on personal data protection can be seen on how people rarely read the terms and conditions before creating an account. “The services that we often consider free, are not actually free. We are paying for these services with our personal data,” Krishna conveyed. But what is the correlation between digital autographs and cyberattacks?
One important aspect is the integrity of our personal data. Integrity here means that ensuring that the data that we have in a system cannot be changed by anyone once it has been finalized. “There are two ways to increase the integrity of our personal data: by using blockchain or digital autograph”, Krishna conveyed.
At the end of the story, using digital autograph is one of the ways to ensure the integrity of our personal data. Moreover, we also need to increase the awareness on the importance of personal data protection. We need to prevent the spread of our personal data, especially for unnecessary reasons.