Yogyakarta, May 3rd 2024─Responding to the need for integrated Electronic-Based Government System (SPBE) implementation in various agencies, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences UGM through Center for Digital Society (CfDS) established cooperation with the Regional Government of West Sulawesi Province. Through a meeting held on Friday (3/5) in the Dean’s Conference Room, the two further discussed the implementation of SPBE Internal Policy, SPBE Governance, SPBE Management, and SPBE Services. Especially, referring to the regulations enacted and the challenges faced in the implementation of the fulfillment of the SPBE index as a whole.
CfDS of FISIPOL UGM contributes to supporting the West Sulawesi provincial government by conducting various consultancy activities, studies, and training related to this. This includes provide assistance in the implementation of SPBE for the West Sulawesi Provincial Government, which began from 2022 to 2024. This mentoring journey begins with building a foundation for the integration and sustainability of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) as part of the bureaucratic reform agenda, ensuring integrated and sustainable governance and management of the West Sulawesi provincial government’s ICT, to the gradual integration of thematic services towards data driven government as of this year.
The assistance provided by CfDS of FISIPOL UGM helped the West Sulawesi Provincial Government achieve an increase in their SPBE Index in the last 2 years, from 2.41 (fair) to 2.89 (good).
Hopefully, the sustainability of this collaboration can continue to support the West Sulawesi Provincial Government in realizing its vision and mission. CfDS of FISIPOL UGM is open for assistance and other activities, in order to support the achievement of improved governance based on information and communication technology and help accelerate the implementation of SPBE. As the 16th (Peace, Justice, and Resilient Institutions) and 17th (Partnerships to Achieve Goals) Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
The meeting was attended by Dr. Muhammad Idris M.Si. (Regional Secretary of West Sulawesi Province), Mustari Mula, S.Sos, MAP (Head of the Communication and Information Agency of West Sulawesi Provincial Government), Ridwan Jafar, S.IP, M.Si (Head of E-Government Services Division of the Communication and Information Agency of West Sulawesi Provincial Government) and staff from the Communication and Information Agency of West Sulawesi Provincial Government.