“Teamwork means that there is an individual’s ability to cooperate well in achieving common goals and that its members are able to participate with the characteristics of having a purpose, trusting each other, supporting and being responsible for the task,” Sholeh explained.
In addition to mentioning teamwork issues, Sholeh also explained his explanation regarding leadership. This concept becomes important in seeing that leadership is the ability of an individual to influence and guide other members. In addition, Sholeh also mentioned several leadership skills that at least a prospective leader must possess, namely the ability to communicate, be creative, be able to motivate, delegate, provide feedback, and be responsible.
The discussion on the topic of teamwork and leadership also looked more interactive during the question and answer session. In this session, Sholeh gave quite a lot of insight to the audience about the importance of understanding the basics of teamwork and leadership in the practice of working in a company.
“Communication within a team is important in dealing with various problems that arise. In admonishing team members, try not to embarrass yourself, but look for a conducive and supportive situation and time to communicate with team members with problems.” Sholeh answered one of the audiences in the question-and-answer session.
Sholeh also responded to the audience’s questions regarding solutions in dealing with passive team members by stating that “This is the importance of mapping the characteristics of each member. We need to find out what causes our passive character, this could be due to their natural character, work culture, or uncomfortable conditions. Strengthening bonding from a personal perspective is also considered crucial in the world of work.”
The session closed with a group photo and the announcement of the winner of the e-wallet for the most active audience in the closing webinar of the Internship Preparation Series #2.