Yogyakarta, October 22nd 2022–The career development seminar is implemented again by the UGM Fisipol Communication Student Corps on Saturday (22/10). Titled “Discover Opportunity in Every Possibility”, the Communicareer 2022 seminar invited two alumni from UGM communication studies that now hold important roles in the movie industry and in public relations. Luhki Herwayanogi, a director, filled the Alumni Talks session. He explained that the movie industry today is going through a major development; in the past, the Indonesian society preferred to watch movies from abroad, but now, the Indonesian film industry is getting more attention from youth. “The Indonesian film industry has major potential which means that there is already a lot of collaboration and help from the government to raise the movie industry. Because, to support the film industry, it is not enough that one individual or a group does it. The government also have to support it,” Luhki said.
As an UGM communication studies alumni, he said that his career started by creating a group when he was still in college. “Because there’s not much money and tools, me and my friends in the communication studies that have an interest in movies created a community where we learn how to make movies together,” Lukhi said. He added that the process of creating a movie is not easy, because the shooting process relies on the weather and lighting.
The second session is a company visit from an alumnus that works as the director of public relations in a local company, Avoskin. Erny Kurniawati, the Brand Director of Avoskin elaborated marketing techniques that are in line with the brand target. “The main point of marketing what we do is not only about how Avoskin can get more customers, but how Avoskin tells a story through each of its products,” Erny said. He said that he encountered many challenges when Avoskin first launched its products; he had to maximize the promotion of nine products simultaneously.
“As public relations, we need to be ready to be a competitive and collaborative person. There are times when we need to champion our product, but there are times when we must be humble to build a good brand image with our partner,” Erny added when he talked about the importance of a brand’s attitude in creating relations with customers or partners.
Communicareer 2022 which was held in the fourth-floor Auditorium was attended by more than 50 that consisted of public and UGM students. This seminar did not only serve as a meeting place between the alumni and students to share their experience, it also gave an image of the real working world in the communication sphere.