Yogyakarta, September 17th 2021─The Department of Social Development and Welfare (PSdK) of Fisipol UGM held the September edition of Social Development Talks (SoDeT) with the title “Community-based Resource Management: The Form of an Energy Independent Society?”. On this occasion, there are three resource persons who will share their thoughts, namely Mohammad Rasyid, Head of the Tirta Pijar Group, the Initiator of PLTMH; Rendi Dwianggara as Assistant Public Relations and CSR of PT Pembangkitan Jawa Bali Generation Unit (PJB UP) Paiton; and Vandy Yoga Swara, Lecturer of the Department of Social Development and Welfare of Fisipol UGM. This talk show was held online with moderator Mohammad Farid Budiono and was attended by 30 participants. The event, which took place from 01.00 p.m. to 03.00 p.m., discussed various things regarding community-based resource management efforts in order to minimize conflicts in the community.
Starting the opening session, the moderator said that SoDeT is a routine activity organized by the Department of PSdK as a discussion room with various themes regarding social development and its development from various perspectives. In addition, the moderator also conveyed a trigger to the discussion, a resource will always be there at any time, like two sides of a coin, resources can provide prosperity but can also cause conflict in society. The causes of conflict often place people as victims or objects. Therefore, community-based management is important to be implemented by various parties as an effort to minimize conflicts that arise in the community.
Entering the core session, the three speakers presented various interesting materials according to their respective experiences. The first sharing started with Rendi Dwianggara’s presentation about the efforts of PT PJB UP Paiton to enter the community and read about the potential that exists to be developed in community-based empowerment. Furthermore, sharing material was also delivered by Muhammad Rasyid regarding the community’s efforts to develop power plants in Andung Biru Village. This initiative is a form of community independence and mutual cooperation in developing the potential that exists in the region, so that it can be useful for everyday life. Finally, sharing material was delivered by Vandy Yoga Swara as a lecturer of the Department of PSdK. In his material, Vandy revealed that initiatives that come from the community are a form of effort to see problems and opportunities well. Therefore, such things need to be shared to provide inspiration for the community in optimizing the existing potential and generating overall benefits from social, economic, and environmental aspects.