Yogyakarta, September 16th 2023─The achievement of student learning outcomes will be largely determined by the learning methods used. Unlike the primary and secondary school levels, learning in higher education has more complex elements. Moreover, the lecture method emphasizes focused and in-depth learning in a particular field. As a teacher, obstacles and challenges are often encountered in providing material with fun and enjoyable methods.
“We as educators have a clear legal basis, where we have various learning outcome standards. These outcomes are then translated into learning process planning, implementation, and assessment. And if you check the Permendikbudristek, it turns out that we are told to do innovative learning,” said Dr. Grendi Hendrastomo, S.Sos., M.M., M.A. in “Webinar Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Series #1: Innovative Learning Methods” on Friday (15/9).
Not only that, Gendri also revealed that the learning environment must embody safety aspects, especially safe from sexual violence and bullying. This refers to the Merdeka Belajar program, which requires institutions to deliver learning not only in material, but also build a conducive learning environment. In fact, this safety guarantee during learning is still not widely understood and paid attention to its aspects.
“One thing that is less considered is the background. College students have a much more diverse background than the school level. We often generalize them. In fact, this also determines how the teacher can formulate the right learning method. So what needs to be considered is, ask the students what their needs are so that we can adjust,” said Grendi. According to him, it is important for teachers to participate in mapping students who have the potential to develop their talents. Good learning outcomes are not those that produce graduates with the same competencies, but rather enhance the basic talents of each individual.
Learning methods in this era are aided by engaging digital applications. Learning is no longer presented through books, materials, and presentations, but also through students’ analysis, thinking process, and exploration. Especially when the learning takes place online, student attention needs to be increased through an interactive learning process. “If the case is online, yes. This is also what many lecturers, teachers complain about. So here we recognize many applications. Today’s students have various preferences. Some like to listen to podcasts, some like to read only, or through projects. Now we give them the opportunity to work on projects whose results are released, according to their interests,” Grendi added.
The challenges of learning in higher education require teachers to be more innovative in delivering material. The hope is that through innovation and various activities, students can learn courses according to the focus of their desired interests as a provision for their careers.