Yogyakarta, October 3rd 2023─In order to welcome the 63rd Karang Taruna Bhakti Month, Creative Hub FISIPOL UGM together with Karang Taruna D.I. Yogyakarta held a Youth Festival Bootcamp entitled Social Innovation Week at FISIPOL UGM on Tuesday (3/10). The boot camp was attended by the Chairperson of Karang Taruna DIY, Gusti Kanjeng Ratu Hayu and Deputy Dean for Research and Community Service, Cooperation, and Alumni, Fina Itriyati, Ph.D., as well as 20 innovators spread across 5 regencies/cities in D.I. Yogyakarta as the leading sector of social innovation ecosystem development.
The program is implemented based on 3 (three) important pillars that support a social innovation, including: (1) Entrepreneurship, as a foundation for turning problems into profitable and sustainable opportunities; (2) Cultural Preservation, social innovation must be rooted in cultural values and have an orientation towards preserving these values; (3) Utilization of Digital Technology, as a strategy as well as tools to innovate and accelerate in solving social problems. Creative Hub’s commitment to encouraging social entrepreneurship is in line with the spirit of Karang Taruna DIY. With this collaboration, Creative Hub plays a role in contributing ideas, providing assistance, and also building networks of cooperation with various partners through a series of bootcamps which are divided into 3 (three) sessions.
The first session begins with an explanation of the social innovation ecosystem development scheme that has been designed by Karang Taruna DIY. In this session, the speaker will explain the big concept of social innovation development and the collaboration model that will be initiated. In addition, the speaker will explain the technical scheme of the Social Innovation Week.
The second session was delivered by Ghilman Nafadza Hakim, CEO of Soluha Semesta. On this occasion, Ghilman shared knowledge and experience about strategies to attract collaborator partners to accelerate the impact of the innovations being implemented. There are several points of material that need to be conveyed, including collaboration models in the development of social innovation, the importance of storytelling, and effective pitching techniques to attract collaborator partners.
In the third session, Matahari Farransahat, Program Director of Creative Hub, discussed social entrepreneurship models that can strengthen the social impact of the innovations developed. The material presented included the importance of social mission in the social entrepreneurship model in accordance with the spirit of empowerment, a variety of social business models that can be developed, and strategies for measuring social impact.
This Social Innovation Week is in line with UGM’s commitment to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), especially in the aspects of (9) Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure; (16) Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions; and (17) Partnerships for the Goals.