Yogyakarta, July 21st 2022─The Center for Digital Society or CfDS UGM routinely holds Digital Expert Talks as a space to understand the latest digital issues related to the community directly from expert practitioners, industry, government, to well-known academics. On Thursday (21/7), UGM CfDS held the 13th Digital Expert Talk to discuss the challenges and efforts to improve cyber security in the implementation of the Electronic-Based Government System or SPBE. In the community, SPBE is widely known as e-government.
Raising the title “Cyber Security in the Implementation of an Electronic-Based Government System (SPBE) in Indonesia”, the discussion, which was broadcast live on the YouTube channel of CfDS UGM, presented four speakers from various backgrounds. The first speaker, Prof. Achmad Djunaedi, as Research Advisor for CfDS UGM, explained that the implementation of SPBE in Indonesia actually has several benefits. To maximize these benefits, the implementation of SPBE should then be supported by strong cyber security. “This is important and should not be left behind, it is impossible to develop technology without having guards and awareness of the importance of these safeguards.”
Cahyo Tri Birowo, ST., MTI., Assistant Deputy for Policy and Coordination of SPBE Implementation, who was the next speaker also explained further about the current implementation of SPBE in Indonesia. On this occasion, he emphasized that organizational transformation strategies and work system transformations are very much needed in order to realize and maximize government 4.0 for public services.
Unfortunately, according to Agung Basuki from the APTIKA National Data Center Team as the third speaker, there are still many application and agency-based data centers in Indonesia, both at the central and regional levels, that are not optimal. For this reason, the government needs standardization of applications, data centers, and human resource capabilities in tackling cyber security risks in implementing SPBE.
Strengthening the arguments and explanations of the three previous speakers, Ardian Silvano from Google Cloud Indonesia’s Cloud Customer Engineer agreed that the issue of digital security is still not a priority issue in Indonesia, both in the public and private sectors. He added that several efforts can be made to realize a scalable and structured cybersecurity transformation, one of which is through the Security & Resilience Framework (SRF) from Google. “The Security & Resilience Framework (SRF) can be used as a guide as well as a tool to reduce the risk of preventing cybercrime and help agencies to be proactive in dealing with the threat of cybercrime.”
The discussion, moderated by Diah Angendari, can be watched again on the YouTube channel of CfDS UGM.