Yogyakarta, August 30th 2022─Fisipol UGM Center for Digital Society (CfDS) is back with Digital Experts Talk #15 titled “Managing Electronic Based Public Service in the Middle of The Pandemic” online on Tuesday (30/8). The event was a collaboration between CfDS and Google Cloud which invited speakers such as Aris Kurniawan, the Head of the Innovation, Development, and Harmonization of SPBE Service and Application Division; Setiaji, Chief of DTO in Indonesia’s Ministry of Health; Sayuri Egravanda, a part of Jogja Smart Province team; Nanang Ruswianto, the Coordinator of UGM SPBE Evaluator Team; and Eryan Ariobowo, Customer Solutions Consultant in Google Cloud Public Sector; as well as Anisa Pratita as the moderator of the discussion and the researcher of CfDS Fisipol UGM.
The Electronic Based Government System (SPBE) or e-government has been implemented since 20 years ago. Even though public service efficiency has increased, the e-government implementation is not yet at its best. There are several factors that impede the progress of e-government implementation in Indonesia such as geographical factors, infrastructural factors, as well as human resource factors. Furthermore, the pandemic also delays progress in the implementation of e-government.
According to Aris Kurniawan, the pandemic forces the government to speed up the digital migration process in the government system. Additionally, now the number of Indonesia’s internet users continues to rise. So, the public service also has to adjust to those changes. SPBE which involves a variety of government sectors have shown that there is a good synergy in the ministerial level. “However, we can’t let down our guards. We need to start making more detailed regulations as the foundation of this implementation,” Aris said.
The implementation of e-government can be seen through the health sector such as through a public health services applications like PeduliLindungi and Telemedisin ISOMAN. Those applications are a response from the Ministry of Health through the Digital Transformation Office (DTO) for the data management of a massive amount of patients which used to be managed manually.
Other than the Ministry of Health, the government of DIY also uses SPBE through Jogja Smart Province. “With this model, integration, and collaboration, we can increase our public service quality. Referring back to SPBE’s aim, the existence of electronic-based governance will increase public service for the good of the people,” Sayuri said.
Seeing the importance of digital transformation in public service, cross-sector and cross-institution collaboration is imperative. Nanang said that that aspect is already pretty well implemented. However, the architecture and management of e-government still need to be improved.
There are several platforms that can be used to maximize SPBE’s capacity. According to Eryan, Google Clouds can become an enabler to help the government in reaching its goals, such as through the creation of civic platforms and 24 hours service. Additionally, Google Clouds also already has a security feature that already has international standards.