Yogyakarta, October 15th 2021─The Department of Public Policy Management (DMKP) of FISIPOL UGM again presented the Young Professional Training and Development Program (TDP) on Friday (15/10). In this second series of TDP, DMKP FISIPOL UGM presented Vidiskiu Fortino Kurniawan as Digital Intelligence Lab Associate at the Center for Digital Society or CfDS to present a material entitled “Google for Research: Looking Trends and Data Mobility”. According to the title, Vidi tries to review ways to maximize the potential of Google, especially Google Trends and Google Mobility, so that it can support research.
After introducing himself more deeply, Vidi began to present the material he brought and divided it into four main sections, namely the urgency of using Google in research-especially to obtain secondary data, tips for maximizing Google search engine, use of Google channels such as Google Trends, Google Mobility, and Google Travel Insights to obtain data, and follow up on the data that has been obtained for research purposes.
The participants also showed high enthusiasm. This can be seen from the establishment of two-way discussions between Vidi and the participants throughout the activity, so that the impression of ‘learning together’ becomes even stronger. In his presentation of the material, Vidi occasionally appoints activity participants to answer light questions that Vidi has prepared. On the other hand, participants are free to use the raise their hand feature on the Zoom Meeting platform to ask questions in the middle of delivering material from Vidi.
In order to make the impact more measurable with the second session, the Young Professional Training and Development Program from DMKP FISIPOL UGM also provides pre-test and post-test which are sent directly to each participant’s email. In the future, DMKP will hold another Young Professional Training and Development Program with a different topic.