Yogyakarta, October 17th 2023─Faculty of Social and Political Sciences UGM collaborated with Faculty of Forestry and Pertamina Foundation for community service to carry out the function of Getas-Ngandong KHDTK, in Ngrawoh Village, Blora Regency on Tuesday (17/10). The event was attended by Vice Rector of UGM for Student Affairs, Community Service, and Alumni, Arie Sudjito; Dean of Faculty of Social and Political Sciences Wawan Mas’udi; Pertamina Foundation representative, Dio; UGM Faculty of Social and Political Sciences officials; as well as the Head of Village and Ngrawoh Village officials. The UGM team from the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences arrived at Ngrawoh Village at 11:00 am to conduct a kick-off related to the empowerment plan for the Getas-Ngandong KHDTK community. This activity is the opening of a series of future activities related to forest area management to reforest and prosper the community.
Arie hopes UGM can mobilize resources so that the community can work together, share and support each other in empowerment efforts. Through a partnership led by the Faculty of Forestry, UGM is expected to make breakthroughs from existing pioneers. While Fisipol helps in institutional facilities, networks, and community empowerment.
Moreover, the existence of this cooperation and activity supports Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 15, namely Terrestrial Ecosystems and SDG 17, namely Partnerships to Achieve Goals.
“The key to this ideal is to build trust. Working together, this forestry area can grow into a new force in agriculture, forestry, institutions, innovation, networks and so on,” Arie explained.
Wawan Mas’udi emphasized that the collaboration between FISIPOL, Faculty of Forestry, and Pertamina Foundation will identify concrete things that need to be done according to their potential and strengths.
“Involvement (of the community) is important to achieve prosperity, it is no longer a discourse but it is concrete,” Wawan explained. Wawan also expressed his hope that in the next 1-2 years, young people in Ngrawoh Village are targeted to continue their studies at UGM.
Dio as a representative of Pertamina Foundation explained that in forest management that contributes to regional development, especially rural areas, it is necessary to seek goals in terms of forestry environment and socio-economic livelihoods. So it needs cross-disciplinary cooperation in various sectors.
“What are the problems in rural areas can be solved through sustainability programs. So there needs to be cooperation from various aspects. Community participation is very important to realize the work plan to be achieved,” Dio explained.
Heru, a resident of Ngrawoh Village, expressed his hope that this collaboration can actually realize prosperity in Ngrawoh Village.
“Appropriate training, sustainable assistance, and a clear market for the distribution of processed livestock and agricultural products are expected to be established to support welfare,” Heru explained.
Meanwhile, the team from Faculty of Social and Political Sciences UGM who also participated in the Getas-Ngandong KHDTK function plan included Fina Itriyati, Nurhadi Susanto, Nurhadi, Rajiyem, Suparjan, and Wahyu Kustiningsih as field coordinator. This activity in the future will be carried out regularly every selapanan (Saturday Pahing) to actualize community empowerment and carry out KHDTK functions.