Yogyakarta, July 12th 2024─In this day and age, the world is facing disruptions as a consequence of digital transformation, the COVID-19 pandemic, and climate change. These disruptions are changing the way and pattern of global society in interacting, politicking, and maintaining a sustainable life.
Wawan Mas’udi, S.IP., M.P.A., Ph.D., the Dean of Faculty of Social and Political Sciences UGM assessed that universities need to take a role in facing this disruption. “Universities need to play a more aggressive role to better understand the changes that are happening and offer something to be part of the changes that occur,” he said. He also added that universities should not only dwell on the context of substance, but also need to take action.
More specifically, Fisipol UGM is a higher education institution that develops social science and political science. Prof. Dr. Poppy Sulistyaning Winanti, S.IP., M.PP., Professor of the Department of International Relations sees that social science and political science need to continue trying to adapt to the disruption that occurs. “The big changes that occur raise the question of how far social science and political science can adapt? Social science and political science need to interpret, respond, and ultimately adapt to the changes that occur,” she said.
In response to the changes and the duty to play a role in responding to the major changes that occur, Fisipol UGM initiated the Megashift Fisipol. The program, which has been started since September 2021, is a manifestation of Fisipol’s commitment to adapt to the changes that continue to occur as a form of practicing the Tri Dharma of Higher Education. In addition, Megashift Fisipol is also a milestone for Fisipol UGM to continue to develop social and political science and be able to answer existing problems.
Megashift Fisipol is a collaborative forum for every actor from various disciplines who want to take a role to jointly respond to the changes that occur. The program has published several articles related to the current disruption ranging from short articles to mini e-books.
Megashift Fisipol invites anyone who wants to contribute in responding to the changes that occur through the Megashift Fisipol call for articles. The thoughts written down are expected to be related to:
- Digital Revolution:
- Artificial Intelligence
- Machine Learning
- Blockchain
- Virtual and Augmented Reality
- Cloud Computing
- Satellite Internet Constellation
- 5G
- Chatbots and Virtual Assistants
- Policy Aspect
- Social Impact
- Digital Economy
- Climate Change:
- Climate resilience
- Climate finance
- Carbon Trading
- Climate change and migration
- Decarbonisation
- Energy transition
- Climate justice
- Green investment
- Alternative economy (circular, bioeconomy, blue economy)
Short articles on these topics can be 1,000-1,250 words in length. Articles should be written in a popular style in both Bahasa Indonesia and English that is easily understood by general readers. Written articles can be sent to megashift.fisipol@ugm.ac.id with the subject Triple Disruption Brief Article complete with the identity and affiliation of the author, correspondence address, contact number, and account. Review articles will be published on https://megashift.fisipol.ugm.ac.id.