Yogyakarta, April 24th 2024─As one of the activities that is always anticipated, especially during the exam period, Fisipol UGM again provides free breakfast for students. As previously known, this activity has become a routine agenda at Fisipol UGM known as Fisipol Free Breakfast where the Faculty provides breakfast as a form of concern for students undergoing Semester Examinations. In addition, breakfast can provide adequate nutrition for students who are usually too serious and focused on thinking about their exams so that not a few students have to skip their breakfast, even though nutritional intake from breakfast can also help students in clarity of thinking, when compared to having to undergo exams in a state of rumbling stomach. Free breakfast for students is provided every morning during the Mid-Semester Examination (UTS) and Final Semester Examination (UAS) periods held at the Fisipol campus.
The food and drinks provided are quite varied, with different menus every day and pay attention to balanced nutrition, namely rice with side dishes and vegetables and milk. Fisipol Free Breakfast is prepared every morning at 6:30 am in the East Hall of Fisipol UGM, during the Even Semester UTS period, starting from Monday 22 to April 26, 2024. Students are free to take the breakfast menu available, by first filling in the attendance at the collection table.
As is known, the agenda that has been routinely held in the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences is basically in line with UGM’s commitment to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), especially on SDG 2, namely zero hunger and SDG 3, namely good health and wellbeing.
The hope is that students can undergo their Semester Exams with more focus and can work optimally on a full stomach, without having to miss the nutritional intake from breakfast.