Yogyakarta, August 23rd 2021– Fisipol International Short Course (FISCO) is held again this year under the headline “The Dynamics of New and Renewable Energy in the Global South”. FISCO is an annual international course program hosted by Fisipol UGM in collaboration with Geo Fisipol, Pusat Energi UGM, and IESR. In this opportunity, many guest lecturers are a part of FISCO that is held from August 23rd to September 16th 2021. Several of the lecturers are Ika Krismantari from The Conversation, Prof. Raphael J. Heffron from University of Dundee, and Ir. Sarijya, Ph.D as the representative of PSE UGM. This event is attended by people from various backgrounds starting from international university students, renewable energy aficionado, and environmentalists. In total, there are 98 students from various countries.
In the opening ceremony, the welcoming remarks were given by the Dean of Fisipol UGM, Dr. Wawan Mas’udi, Mr. I Made Andi Arsana as the head of the Office of International Affairs (OIA) UGM and followed by Ms. Karina Bhumiriyanto as the project officer of FISCO 2021. In the remarks, the speakers talked about how, even though the event has to be held virtually and they can’t gather in Yogyakarta, they hope that the event can still be useful for the attendees. Other than that, they talked about renewable energy and how it can help solve the challenges and crisis that is worsening as time goes by.
The FISCO program will be held in 25 days through synchronous and asynchronous learning. Throughout the event, this event will use online platforms such as eLOK as the independent study or asynchronous media. Meanwhile, for the synchronous sessions Zoom and Google Meet will be used. For the first day, the course was given by three lecturers from Indonesia; Fabby Tumiwa from IESR with the material Understanding Energeia, which is followed by an UGM academician Sariya, Ph.D who talked about clean technology ideal for global energy transition, and closed by a material by Dr. Mailina Eka Yuniza called Country’s Framework on SDGs Implementation.